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Model Essay 3

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:29  东方飞龙


  Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the drawing,

  2) interpret its implications, and

  3) give your comments.


  Preparation Makes a Great Expectation

  We are shown such a picture in which a little boy, dressed like a boy of Inner Mongolia nationality, is wrestling with a goat. Judging by his young age and short stature, it is really not exaggerated to name him as a bullfighter. There is still another reason to call him a bullfighter and the reason lies in the hope that he is promising to become a bullfighter.

  Practice makes perfect. This is a household saying, but it is still in its prime as for the great value contained in it. It is not unusual to meet thousands of people who are merely daydreaming about their bright future. Maybe they will do better during the course of pursuing their dream if they can exercise themselves with minor but realistic matters. It is not an argument hard to understand that bits and pieces will accumulate into a great mountain sooner or later. And these practice and exercises are what I mean by preparation.

  We hold this idea firm that preparation makes a great expectation. Daydreaming is really comforting but it can bring us nothing. Fight a goat when you are young and when you reach the prime of your life, you can surely fight a bull.



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