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Model Essay 4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 16:37  东方飞龙


  Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the drawing,

  2) interpret its implications, and

  3) give your comments.


  To Overload is to Load a Bomb

  In this picture, there is donkey jocularly dangling in the air. It is the masterpiece of overloading which can be deduced from the cart. Two men, maybe the owner of the cart, are standing by, silently and helplessly looking at the mess.

  There should be things beyond money that worth our pursuit. It is not a fault to earn money because it is indispensable to our living. The reason why I associate this with money is that it is the only explanation of their motive to overload. And the reason why I say there should be things beyond money is that our forefathers have prescribed their wisdom in the expression of “earning ones life.” If there is no life, what is the meaning for that bewitching earning? What is more, there is apparent jocular tone in this picture. What if a bus or a truck is overloaded? Can we still laugh if there should be any accidents?

  Here it seems we can reach our conclusion that to overload is really to load a bomb, which may explode the next minute.



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