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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006/09/25 17:06  东方飞龙

  经济 (Economy)

  1In 1992, the central government in China launched a drive to “smash the three irons”— the iron rice bowl, the iron wage and the iron armchair which symbolized jobs for life, fixed wages and guaranteed positions for industrial bureaucrats.

  2The consequences, in a workforce conditioned by 40 years of tradtional socialist ideology and with only primitive state welfare protection, were alarming for many.

  3As a result of a more aggressive global economic situation combined with recession, the social contract between employer and employee is much weakened.

  4There was a time in industrialized societies when a job, blueor whitecollar, public or private, normally meant a stable occupation or career.

  5Beyond unemployment rates, one of the most telling indicators of rising insecurity is declining pension and health insurance benefits.

  6According to the OECD, Australia has the worlds most exhaustive mechanisms for product ban and recall. Nevertheless, some 25 children per 100,000 population die annually from injuries or poisonings and about 2,500 per 100,000 are admitted to hospital from these causes. Home leisure and consumer productrelated injuries alone account for at least 30% of all accidents and 20% of handicaps.

  金钱 (Money)

  1Compulsive deposits: Force yourself to take 15 to 20 per cent of your monthly income and put it in a separate bank account. This wont upset your life a great deal and will give you a good number of rewards in several years time.

  2Avoid shopping with friends: You may only buy one blouse when you are shopping alone, but you may also pick up a skirt and a pair of boots or maybe a luxurious dinner and two hours of Karaoke if you are with someone.

  3Find substitutes: Many people rush out to shop when they want to release some pressure. But, a good book or an interesting movie might be just as good a relief. It takes time to change the habit, but it pays off if you try.

  4Enjoy investment: By investing we do not mean in a car or household appliances. Joining an English training course might be another form of investment.

  5To say that money is a measure of success is as much as to say that money is everything. This assertion is unacceptable.

  媒体 (Media)

  1Advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives.

  2Advertisements encourage us to buy things that we do not really need, because advertisements have the power to arouse customers purchasing desire.

  3A disgruntled customer who went to a cinema to watch the Chineses film “Hero” sued the picture house and a movie production company because it started four minutes late.

  4He took action after being forced to watch four minutes of advertisements, which delayed the start of the film until 9∶34 p.m. His ticket said it was due to commence at 9∶30 p.m.

  5He lodged a formal complaint against the organizations concerned. He demanded that the advertisements be halted, that his 40 yuan ticketcost be returned, and that 40 yuan be paid in compensation.



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