

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年09月02日 14:22   新东方

  Sample questions:

  Policymakers must confront the dilemma that fossil fuels continue to be an indispensable source of energy even though burning them produces atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide that increase the likelihood of potentially disastrous global climate change. Currently, technology that would capture carbon dioxide emitted by power plants and sequester it harmlessly underground or undersea instead of releasing it into the atmosphere might double the cost of generating electricity. But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent. Research into better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide will undoubtedly lead to lowered costs。

  Sample Multiple-choice Questions — Select One Answer Choice

  1.  The passage implies which of the following about the current cost of generating electricity?

  A. It is higher than it would be if better technologies for capturing carbon dioxide were available。

  B. It is somewhat less than the cost of electricity transmission and distribution。

  C. It constitutes at most half of the delivered price of electricity。

  D. It is dwelt on by policymakers to the exclusion of other costs associated with electricity delivery。

  E. It is not fully recovered by the prices charged directly to electricity consumers。

  Answer: C

  2.  The passage suggests that extensive use of sequestration would, over time, have which of the following consequences?

  A. The burning of fossil fuels would eventually cease to produce atmospheric accumulations of carbon dioxide。

  B. The proportion of the delivered price of electricity due to generation would rise and then decline。

  C. Power plants would consume progressively lower quantities of fossil fuels。

  Answer: B

  3.  Select the sentence that explains why an outcome of sequestration that might have been expected would not occur。


  “But because sequestration does not affect the cost of electricity transmission and distribution, delivered prices will rise less, by no more than 50 percent.”





  Sample questions:

  Directions: For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text。

  1.  It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (2)__________ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet。


  Answer: overshadowed, obscure, and superficiality of our theories

  2.  The author's (1)__________ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (2)__________。


  Answer: soporific and tedious

  3.  From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion — that of the _______ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit。


  Answer: appropriation




  Sample questions:

  Directions: Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning。

  1.  Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as __________。

  A. orthodox

  B. eccentric

  C. original

  D. trifling

  E. conventional

  F. innovative

  Answer: C and F





  C. 数学


  Sample questions:



  1.  The figure above shows a circle with center C and radius 6. What is the sum of the areas of the two shaded regions?






  Answer: D

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