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2008年02月26日 15:56 智慧星教育
skirt sky slave sleep (slept, slept) go to sleep slightly slow small smart smell (smelt/smelled, smelt/smelled) smile smoke smooth snake snow so so … that … so that soap socialism socialist society sock soft soil soldier solid some somebody/someone something sometimes somewhere son song soon as soon as sooner or later sorry sort soul sound soup south southern space in space Spanish spare speak (spoke, spoken) special speech speed spell (spelt/spelled, spelt/spelled) spend (spent, spent) spirit splendid spoon sport have sports spread (spread, spread) spring square stage stair stamp stand (stood, stood) standard star stare start start doing sth. start to do sth. starve state the United States station stay steal (stole, stolen) steam steel step stick (stuck, stuck) stick to still stomach stone stop stop doing sth. stop sb. from doing sth. stop to do sth. store storm story straight strange stranger street strength strict be strict with strike (struck, struck) strong struggle student study stupid subject succeed success such suddenly suffer sugar suggest suit suitable suitcase summer sun Sunday sunny sunset supper have supper supply support suppose sure be sure to do sth. make sure surface surprise in surprise sweater sweep (swept, swept) sweet swim (swam, swum) have a swim
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