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2008年06月16日 10:49 新京报
美国“高考”每年7次 U.S-SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test) Compared to the tests accredited in China such as TOEFL,the Accountant Examination, SAT is a perennial standardized test in the US. SAT is tested seven times each academic year, while candidates can participate in any or every examination according to their own circumstances. As the SAT results are valid for two years, many American high school students start to take SAT at the beginning of the third academic year, and they can take it as many times as they want. In SAT only the highest test scores are recognized. - 译本 SAT是一个常年不断的标准化考试,就好像现在已在中国流行的“托福”、会计师考试一样。SAT每年有七次考试,考生可以根据自己的情况,参加任何一次甚至每一次考试。由于美国高考成绩两年内有效,许多高中生上高三时就开始考试,并且考多少次都可以。美国高考SAT只选取最高的“高考”考分。 澳大利亚“高考”科目上百 Australia-HSC(Higher Secondary Certificate) The HSC Examinations, testing around 100 subjects, are conducted between October and mid November every year. Besides sitting for the scheduled exams students go to school as usual. In compliance with the HSC rules students have to study 4 compulsory subjects along with 1 or 2 optional subjects. With the freedom of subject choices students'' interests and competence are therefore developed. Final HSC marks result from the examination and the school assessment during Year 12, which alleviates the risk of variation in exam performance and incorporates the weight of coursework. - 译本 澳大利亚高考HSC每年10月开始,持续到11月中旬结束,考试科目约有100门。学生们有考试时去考试,没有考试时照常上课。HSC考试规定,学生必须学习四门必修课和一、两门选修课。因为学生有较多的课程选择自由,所以兴趣、能力可以得到发展。HSC考试的最终成绩是由学生在十二年中的平时成绩和高中会考成绩组成,避免了一次考试的偶然性,突出了平时学习的重要性。 日本“高考”分数只是参考 Japan college entrance exam In Japan, the college entrance exam covers 5 subjects.. With the dwindling number of candidates in recent years, it''s estimated that the number of registered students at the public universities in 2010 will drop to 1.21 million. Instead of serving as the sole benchmark, many universities deem the exam results as reference only. Those students who''ve met the entrance score standard also must participate in the university wide examination and interview. - 译本 日本高考是在每年1月中旬,成绩公布后,报考各个国、公、私立大学的分数线也公布。日本高考分5个学科(国语、数学、英语、理科、社会)。近几年考试人数减少,预计国家公立大学2010年的注册生人数将减少为121万人。各大学把全国统一高考成绩只作为参考,而不是把它作为唯一的选择录取标准,达到报考分数线后的学生还要参加各大学的入学考试和面试。 翻译支持:环球雅思教学部 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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