

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 08:58   新浪考试

  [C] it reveals the Americans’ new pursuit of spacious living

  [D] it elaborates the delayed effects of yesterday’s “baby boom”

  15. We can see from the available statistics that _____ .

  [A] California was once the most thinly populated area in the whole US

  [B] the top 10 states in growth rate of population were all located in the West

  [C] cities with better climates benefited unanimously from migration

  [D] Arizona ranked second of all states in its growth rate of population

  16. The word “demographers” (Line 1, Paragraph 8) most probably means _____ .

  [A] people in favor of the trend of democracy

  [B] advocates of migration between states

  [C] scientists engaged in the study of population

  [D] conservatives clinging to old patterns of life

  [第13题答案及题解页数] B 第页

  [第14题答案及题解页数] C 第页

  [第15题答案及题解页数] D 第页

  [第16题答案及题解页数] C 第页


  This development - and its strong implications for US politics and economy in years ahead - has enthroned the South as America’s most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation’s head counting.

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