

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 08:59   新浪考试

  51. What were things like in 1980s when accidents happened?

  [A] Customers might be relieved of their disasters through lawsuits.

  [B] Injured customers could expect protection from the legal system.

  [C] Companies would avoid being sued by providing new warnings.

  [D] Juries tended to find fault with the compensations companies promised.

  52. Manufacturers as mentioned in the passage tend to__

  [A] satisfy customers by writing long warnings on products

  [B] become honest in describing the inadequacies of their products

  [C] make the best use of labels to avoid legal liability

  [D] feel obliged to view customers’ safety as their first concern

  53. The case of Schutt helmet demonstrated that__

  [A] some injury claims were no longer supported by law

  [B] helmets were not designed to prevent injuries

  [C] product labels would eventually be discarded

  [D] some sports games might lose popularity with athletes

  54. The author’s attitude towards the issue seems to be__

  [A] biased

  [B] indifferent

  [C] puzzling

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