

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年09月20日 09:24   新浪考试

  [B] the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers

  [C] the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers

  [D] the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater

  28. By saying “Stratford cries poor traditionally” (Line 2-3, Paragraph 4), the author implies that

  [A. Stratford cannot afford the expansion projects

  [B. Stratford has long been in financial difficulties

  [C. the town is not really short of money

  [D. the townsfolk used to be poorly paid

  29. According to the townsfolk, the RSC deserves no subsidy because

  [A] ticket prices can be raised to cover the spending

  [B] the company is financially ill-managed

  [C] the behavior of the actors is not socially acceptable

  [D] the theatre attendance is on the rise

  30. From the text we can conclude that the author

  [A] is supportive of both sides

  [B] favors the townsfolk’s view

  [C] takes a detached attitude

  [D] is sympathetic

  [第26题答案及题解页数] A 第页

  [第27题答案及题解页数] B 第页

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