

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月31日 11:45   环球卓越

  Part II Writing

  In 2004, the Ministy of Education of China promulgated an act that college students on campus can get married, which aroused the widespread debate in the whole society. As to this special issue, different people have different opinions. As a student, I think this behavior should be banned. My reasons are as follows:

  The first and the most important one is that college students’ marriage is not beneficial to study. Being college students, young people should spare no effort to study hard to broaden their horizons. Marriage means they must take on lots of responsibilities of marriage. So it may have negative impact on their study. Second, when college students marry each other, the young couple will live together, which means they will be estranged from their classmates. It is harmful to their ability to communicate with others. Third, their marriages will put a financial burden on their family and themselves. In general, college students are still financed by their family. If they want to get married, they have to ask more money from their family or make money in their spare time. It is a heavy burden they have to shoulder.

  In a word, I don’t approve of college students’ marriage. It will disturb the students’ normal life and is not beneficial to their future.

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