

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年01月13日 14:09   环球卓越


  1. ____ to the doctor right away, he might have been alive.

  A. If he went B. Were he gone C. Should he have gone D. Had he gone

  2. If you were older, I ____ you to go there yesterday.

  A. will allow B. should allow C. would have allowed D. had allowed

  3. If we ____ here ten minutes earlier, we ___ the bus.

  A. arrived/would catch B. arrived/would have caught

  C. had arrived/had caught D. had arrived/would have caught

  4. Don't touch the sleeping tiger. If he woke up, he _____ you.

  A. would come to B. would come at C. would have come toward D. will come to

  5. If it ___ tomorrow, what would we do?

  A. rains B. were to rain C. would rain D. rain

  6. If it ___ rain, we ___ get wet.

  A. is to, should B. Were to, would C. were going to, would D. was going to, should

  7. We ___ our lives had it not been for the policeman.

  A. would have lost B. should lose C. might lose D. could have lost

  8. ___, I would take an umbrella with me.

  A. Had I been you B. I were you C. Were I you D. I had been you

  9. If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child ___.

  A. would not have been lied there for two hours

  B. would not have laid there for two hours

  C. would not have lied there for two hours

  D. would not have lain there for two hours

  10. If it ___ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.

  A. had rained B. would had rained C. have seen D. did see

  11. Had I known her name, ___.

  A. or does she know mine? B. and where does she live?

  C. she would be beautiful D. I would have invited her to lunch

  1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7 A 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. D

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