

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月18日 14:23   跨考教育

  3 政治

  Political systems have evolves over several centuries. 政治制度是经历了好几个世纪的发展演变而来的。

  undergo an economic and political transformation 经历经济和政治变革

  well handle the relations among reform, development and stability 妥善处理改革、发展和稳定之间的关系

  accoplish the great cause of national reunification 完成祖国统一大业

  contribute to international peace and prosperity 为国际和平和繁荣作贡献

  4 经济

  attract more foreign investment 吸引更多外国投资

  resources-efficient development mode 有效利用资源型发展模式

  sharpen the international competitiveness 加强国际竞争力

  secure the fair competition on the marker 保障市场上公平竞争

  place emphasis on the future development 强调未来发展

  try to gain a large market share 谋求更大的市场份额

  maintain the competitiveness in market contests 保持在市场竞争中的竞争力

  reserve and promote the sound and cooperative economic and trade tries between the two countries 保持和促进两国之间稳健合作的经济和贸易联系

  三 教育、就业类

  1 教育

  achieve universal comsulsory education 普及全民义务教育

  adult education 成人教育

  conduct the education of the younger generation 对年轻一代进行教育

  special education for the disabled children 为残疾儿童开设特殊教育

  spread education 推广教育

  take education seriously 重视教育

  be firmly convinced that education pays 坚信受教育是有益的

  borrow heavily from the western traditions in education 在教育上大量借鉴西方惯例

  develop a well-informed, critically thinking, and civically engaged citizenry 培养知识丰富、善于独立思考、能很好履行义务的公民

  Family education is as important as public education. 家庭教育和学校教育一样重要。

  Knowledge is priceless treasure. 知识是无价之宝。

  talent training and quality education 人才培养和素质教育

  transmit to youth the best of our culture 将我们最优秀的文化传给青年一代

  understand the necessity of education 懂得教育的必要性

  alleviate/reduce/lighten burdens on the students of elementary and secondary schools 减轻中小学生负担

  arouse attention from all sectors of society 引起全社会的注意

  call for alleviating burdens on students 呼吁减轻学生负担

  Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 今天的孩子受的教育比以往任何时候都要好。

  Edution must be conbined with practice. 教育必须与实践相结合。

  A college education in the United States in expensive. 美国大学教育的费用昂贵。

  Increasing enrollment causes a sharp rise in educational costs. 扩大招生导致教育费用急剧上升。

  Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program. 学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳学习费用和生活费用。

  2 教学及教学方法

  adopt a new approach in teaching 在教学中采用一套新做法

  allow more time for individual instrucion and group discussion 给予更多时间做个人指导和小组讨论

  impart knowledge to one’s students 把知识传授给学生

  involve both bearning and teaching 涉及教与学两方面

  make radical improvements in teaching 从根本上改进教学

  stick to the traditional teaching methods 固守传统教学法

  teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教

  3 教学管理


  abide by the school rules 遵守学校的规章

  collect subscription for the putting up of a charity school 募捐筹建慈善学校

  found an establishment of a private school 建立私利学校

  make the most economical of school facilities 充分利用学校资源

  part-work and part-study school 半工半读学校


  be a good student in comparison with sb. 与某人相比,算是好学生

  be concerned about the students ideology 从思想上关心学生

  be heavily burdened with schoolwork 学校功课负担太重

  dropouts 辍学者

  encourage the students to think their own thoughts 鼓励学生独立思考

  errors common among students 学生常犯的错误

  give heart to students 鼓励学生

  give individual attention to each student 给每个学生以个别关注

  Good teachers impart wisdom to his students. 好老师赋予学生智慧。

  It is the duty of a student to study hard. 努力学习是学生的本分。

  self-supporting graduate student 自费研究生

  try one’s best to have the students take the initiative in learning 尽力调动学生的学习积极性

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