

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月18日 14:23   跨考教育


  a developing borderline science 一门正在发展的边缘科学

  an extensive subject 一门内容广博的学科

  complete undergraduate study 完成本科学业

  inspire self-conscious debates over the worth of a business degree 引发有关工商学位价值的讨论

  Science and technology are productive forces. 科学技术是生产力。

  this subject and its numerous ramifications 这门学科以及它的许多分支


  a great number of students are enrolled in … 大量学生报名…

  approaches to teaching science and math vary 科学课和数学课的教学方法有所不同

  arrange the curriculum 安排课程

  at the end of the course 结业时

  Graduate study is more intensive and specialized. 研究生学习更精深、更专业。

  have less courses, but in greater depth 课程少一些,但更深入

  non-required subjects 选修课


  a form of application for enrollment 大学申请表

  enroll in a college without being strongly motivated 不迫切希望报名就读某大学

  enter for an examination 报名参加考试

  Entrance requirements differ greatly. 入学条件很不一样。

  increase enrollment 扩招


  acknowledge a diploma of graduation 公证一份学位证书

  be granted an official certificate from … 被授予由…颁发的正式证书

  confer diplomas on members of the graduating class 向毕业生颁发学位证

  education with record of formal schooling 学历教育

  obtain a license or a certificate for one’s job or career 获得从事自己工作或职业的执照或证书

  pursue graduate study 读研究生

  try to obtain the undergraduate diploma through self-taught study 试图通过自学获得本科文凭


  adopt an academic credit system 采取学分制

  be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar 品学兼优

  broad mental development 全面的智能发展

  develop an interest in learning 培养学习兴趣

  drop out of school 退学

  further education 深造

  implementing the new standards 实施新的标准

  investigate all sides of a question and all possible solutions to a problem 调查研究问题的各个方面及各种可能的解决方法

  learn admission status 了解录取情况

  letter of recommendation 推荐信

  meet the standards 符合标准

  possess both political integrity and professional ability 德才兼备

  shake their confidence 动摇他们的信心

  4 学习


  achieve the goal one has set for oneself 达到为自己确立的目标

  be completely absorbed in study 把精力完全贯注在学习上

  derive pleasure from one’s studies 从学习中获得乐趣

  distract one’s mind from one’s study 分散某人学习的注意力

  learn through one’s valuable experience 从自己宝贵的经验中学习

  neglect one’s studies 忽视自己的学习

  place the study ahead of anything else 把学习放在第一位

  stimulate oneself to study 发奋学习

  study harder under the stimulus of praise 在表扬的激励下更加努力学习

  study assiduously and perseveringly 持之以恒地刻苦学习


  gain new insights through restudying old material 温故而知新

  lay the basis for further study 为进一步深造奠定基础

  store/stock one’s mind with knowledge 用知识充实头脑

  Unless you study hard you will not pass the exam. 除非你用功,否则不会及格


  a certificate examination 证书考试

  be quite confident of passing the examination 坚信自己能通过考试

  conduct an examination 举行考试

  gain distinction in the examination 考试成绩优秀

  take part in the entrance exams for graduate school 考研

  We should study hard at ordinary times to avoid making a frantic last-minute effort. 我们应该平时多烧香,免得考试时临时抱佛脚。


  hand in an examination 交卷

  machine scoring 机器阅卷

  take a written examination 参加笔试


  become complacent over any success 一有成绩就自满起来

  carry forward one’s achievements 发扬成绩

  come off with honors 以优异成绩通过

  measure sb.’s success 衡量某人的成绩

    更多信息请访问:新浪考研频道 考研论坛 考研博客圈



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