

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月18日 14:23   跨考教育


  attent the graduation ceremony 参加毕业典礼

  be assigned to work in the remote region after graduation 毕业后分配到边远地区

  be recommended to the postgraduate school after completing one’s regular college course 本科毕业后直升研究生

  begin to work soon after graduating 毕业后不久开始工作

  Entrance into college means employment security. 进入大学意味着工作有了保障。

  fill all requirements for graduation 具备毕业的一切条件

  gain graduate certificate/receive a diploma 获得学位证书

  have independent mind 会独立思考

  make full use of talents 使人尽其才

  The job hunt faces this year’s graduates. 本届毕业生面临就业问题。

  university student’s innovative undertaking 大学生创业

  young people on the threshold of life 刚刚进入社会的年轻人

  5 就业

  accept the editorship of a magazine 接受一家杂志的编辑工作

  acquire a key position in an eminent company 在一著名公司身居要职

  be assigned to the position of … 被分配…的工作

  be rapt in one’s new job 把精力贯注在新工作上

  engage upon a new position 从事新职业

  permanent occupation 固定职业

  secure a more lucrative employment 获得一份赚钱更多的职业

  seek a steady and well-paid job 找到既稳定有待遇优厚的工作

  allow employees to contribute and to feel powerful and important 让员工尽责尽力并意识到自己的作用和重要性

  workaholic 工作狂

  be adequate for the job 能够胜任工作

  be devoid of professional sense 缺乏职业观念

  be very conscientious in one’s work 对工作负责

  Hard and honest work is the surest way to establishment. 努力而诚实的工作是最可靠的成功之道。

  keep pounding away at one’s work 持续努力工作

  measure up to one’s job in every way 各方面都能胜任工作

  put one’s whole soul into one’s work 全神贯注工作

  dedicate the great portion of one’s life to … 把一生的大部分时间致力于…

  take pay cuts 接受降薪

  an army of the unemployed 失业大军

  since depression began 自从经济萧条开始以来

  unemployment insurance/payments 失业保险/救助金

  be fired 被解雇

  be the right person 是合适的人选

  go for the job interview 参加求职面试

  go job hunting in the web 上网求职

  rely on one’s own skills and capabilities for one’s success 依赖自己的技能和能力获得成功

  think sb.’s is qualified for the job 认为某人有资格胜任这份工作

  be optimistic and cooperative 乐观向上,善于与人协作

  get second starts in careers that have greater appeal to … 重新开始一份对…有更大吸引力的工作

  四 家庭类

  1 老年人

  guarantee for old age security 给老年人提供保障

  live on pension 靠养老金生活

  build up homes for the aged 建造老人院

  As one gets older, he is more liable to have health problems. 年纪大了容易添病。

  Movement becomes difficult with age. 随着年事的增高行动变得困难。

  The vigor of a person’s body lessens as he grows old. 人到老年体力就变弱了。

  be calculated to prolong one’s life 延年益寿

  think young and stay young 精神年轻就能保持年轻

  three important things for a long old life: fresh air, fresh food, simple life 长寿的三要素:新鲜空气、新鲜食物、简单生活

  Medical expenses remain a serious problem for the aged. 医疗开支对于老年人是很大的困难。

  be lonely and starving for companionship 因孤独而渴望有人作伴

  keep active, alert and open-minded 保持积极向上、机敏和开朗

  The worst problems of the old age are health, loneliness and personal sagety. 老年人最可怕的问题是健康、孤独和个人安全。

  have a close relationship with their children 与子女保持密切关系

  The old and the young do not always understand each other. 老年人与年轻人往往不能互相理解。

  China is a nation that is proud of the virtue of filial piety. 中国是一个以孝道为自豪的民族。

  Filial piety is defined as “a son’s or daughter’s obedience to and respect for parents”. 孝顺指的是儿女对父母的顺从和尊敬。

  have the duty to support and assist one’s parents 有赡养扶助父母的义务

  We should be considerate of the comfort of old people. 我们应该为老年人的舒适着想。


  Changes have taken place in the roles of women in society. 妇女在社会中的作用发生了变化。

  abolish all inequalities 消除各个方面的不平等

  adhere to the principle of equality 坚持平等的原则

  compete with men in the professions on equal terms 在职业生涯上在同等条件下与男人竞争

  eliminate sexual discrimination 消除性别歧视

  enter the labor force 参加到劳动力大军中来

  liberate women from the kitchen 把妇女从厨房中解放出来

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