

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年12月29日 17:57   跨考网[ 微博 ]


  All in all, I would say that living in the city is best(better),1 for the convenience the city offers in terms of education and work(job opportunities);2 after all, one can always spend vacations in the country---and get the best of both.3




  As for me, I have always led a regular life.1 By everyday exercises, I build up a strong body,2 and by reading intensively I learn to acquire a proper attitude toward life.3





  As we all know, children are the future of our country, Their healthy growth has therefore become a serious concern among many people.1 It should be made clear that too much care is not love. The real love and care for them are to prepare them for the future. When faced with difficulties, they can summon up the courage and exert their strength to overcome the difficulties. When faced with fierce competition, they can employ their knowledge, skills and experience to confront with their rival.2 This is the younger generation we can expect.3






  This is a series of interesting and thought-provoking pictures. A goalkeeper, who is trying hard to keep the ball from the goal, sees himself as a dwarf. What’s funnier is that the football-player, preparing to kick the ball, regards the goalkeeper as huge as the goal. The meaning conveyed by the picture is clear but profound. Both of them lack courage and confidence in front of challenges。


  The majority of people would agree that everyone may feel challenged when a powerful rival appears in his/her mind. What divides them into successes and losers is their attitude towards confidence。(We can easily find the equivalent of the topic discussed here in our surroundings。)We, undergraduates girding ourselves for the NETEM(the Examination for postgraduate candidates),provide a good illustration. Some of us feel depressed when thinking that they are not able to prepare well, so they even give up the chance of participating in the examination. In fact, the exam is not as difficult as they suppose, and a little more courage and confidence will motivate them to achieve the final successs。


  Accordingly, it is the time that we placed great emphasis on building up our confidence. What we should bear in mind is that no one can overcome difficulties without confidence。(In other words,  We should be honest about the challenges we face。) only in this wa we can se a right goal. challenge it ,and achieve it。






  2007年Part A  真题及解析(投诉信&建议信):


  Write a letter to your university library ,making suggestions for improveing its service. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Do not sign your own name at the den of the letter. Ues “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address。

  To Whom It May Concern,

  I am a student in this university who regularly comes to the library to spend ma spare time. Generally speaking ,the services you offer here are quite good; however ,I have some suggestions for you to adopt. And I would like to extend my greatest appreciation if you are so kind as to take my suggestions into consideration。

  To begin with ,will you please prolong the time for reading? In the daytime, most of the students are having classes, so they can’t come to the library. Moreover ,some of the books on shelves are out of date. If you are so kind as to provide us some books such as the latest magazines ,we will be very pleased。

  I really wish to have a more comfortable library. Thank you for your time and consideration。

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  2008 Part A 真题及解析(致歉信):


  You have just come back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob ,your landlord there. Write him a letter to

  make an apology, and

  suggest a solution。

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Do not sign your own name at the den of the letter. Ues “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address。


  Dear Bob,

  I am writing to express my apology to you。

  Several days ago,I borrowed your music CD when I lived in your house. Unfortunately,after I came back from Canada,I found it in my luggage. Was in such an hurry that I forgot to return it to you .I will send it to you by post of expose as soon as possible. If necessary,I will compensate for any troubles it may cause。

  Once again,I feel so sorry for any  inconvenrence  caused. Please accept my apologies。

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Ming



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