《时代》封面母亲给3岁儿喂奶照被指性骚扰(图)![]() The cover of the latest issue of Time magazine is sure to turn heads and draw gasps from readers。最新出版的一期《时代》 杂志的封面回头率绝对很高,会让读者倒抽一口冷气。 It shows a three-year old boy sucking on his mother's breast while standing on a chair。封面上是一个3岁大的小男孩站在椅子上吸吮母乳的画面。 The image accompanies the magazine's cover story about "attachment parenting" — an approach whereby parents breastfeed and co-sleep with their children, in addition to wearing their children in slings. 与此图相配的封面故事介绍了一种名为“亲密育儿法”的养育方式,“亲密育儿法”提倡以母乳喂养孩子、和孩子一起睡,还要把孩子放进婴儿吊兜里(Baby Sling:婴儿吊兜,就是把一块大布系在胸前形成一个大兜,然后就可以将婴儿放进去)。 Jamie Lynne Grumet, the woman featured on the cover with her son, is a 26-year-old, stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of two who subscribes to the philosophy. She often posts photos of herself breastfeeding her son on her blog。封面上的这位母亲叫做Jamie Lynne Grumet,现年26岁,是位在家教育两个子女的专职妈妈。封面上的小男孩就是她的儿子。Grumet信守“亲密育儿法”,经常在自己博客上贴出喂孩子奶的照片。 "There are people who tell me that it's child molestation," she said of her blog posts in an interview with Time. "People have to realize this is biologically normal. It's not socially normal. The more people see it, the more it'll become normal in our culture."“有些人对我说这根本是对孩子的性骚扰,”在《时代》杂志的一次采访中,Grumet谈及她博客上发表的东西时说道:“人们必须认识到,虽然我的做法从社会层面上说不正常,但从生理角度说却是理所当然之事。大家见得越多,它就会越发被我们的社会文化所接受。” 网友评论