He has played for the club for the last six years after moving his family with wife Victoria Beckham to the United States in 2006.自2006年携妻子维多利亚定居美国以来,足球巨星贝克汉姆已经在这家俱乐部效力6年了。
And so David Beckham’s last game with soccer club LA Galaxy on Saturday was bound to be an emotional one that he wanted his young boys to be a part of。本周六是小贝在洛杉矶银河俱乐部意义深重的最后一场比赛,这样的时刻贝克汉姆也不想让他的孩子们错过。
The sportsman was joined on the field by Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz who took part in the team presentation before the start of his Major League Soccer (MLS) Cup match against the Houston Dynamo。贝克汉姆带着他的孩子布鲁克林,罗密欧和克鲁斯一起走上赛场,随后大联盟杯洛杉矶银河队对阵休斯敦迪纳摩队的比赛开始。
Dressed in smaller versions of their father’s uniform – complete with his recognisable number 23 plastered on – the youngsters seemed at home on the pitch thanks to sports-oriented upbringing。三个孩子穿着小一号的球队队服,还带有他们父亲醒目的23号标志,这几位年轻人因为父亲的耳濡目染而毫不怯场。
David could be seen kissing the cheek of middle son Romeo, 10, who is often seen practicing his tackling skills with his siblings and is likely to want to follow in his father’s career footsteps one day。贝克汉姆在赛场上亲吻了二儿子罗密欧的脸颊。10岁的罗密欧正是被认为是有可能子承父业的那位,他也常常与他的兄弟一起锻炼球技。
Meanwhile Cruz, seven, looked up adoringly to his dad as he waited his turn for some affection at the Home Depot Center stadium in Carson, California。与此同时,7岁的克鲁斯正崇拜的看着他的父亲,希望能在赛场上感受同样的父爱。
The 37-year-old former England captain has spent the past six seasons with the team, leading Los Angeles to an MLS Cup title last season when they defeated the Houston Dynamo 1-0. 现年37岁的小贝曾是英国前国家队队长,他已经在洛杉矶银河队队里效力六个赛季了。去年他带领球队以1:0的比分战胜休斯敦迪纳摩队,夺得大联盟杯冠军。
It seemed to be a bittersweet time for David – who is excited about soon becoming an owner in a soccer franchise – smiling as he proudly stood with his boys but also looking sombre as he waved and gave a thumbs up sign to supporters。这个告别的时刻对贝克汉姆来说可能亦喜亦悲。他骄傲地和他的儿子们站在一起微笑,而同时在他朝着支持他的球迷挥 手和表示赞许的时候,他的表情看起来又有些忧郁。小贝马上要开一家足球用品专卖店,他表示对此很兴奋。
Although his team ultimately triumphed with a 3-1 score, tensions did seem to be high on the AstroTurf as he appeared to curse at one point when things didn’t go his way. 在本场比赛中,尽管他的队伍最终以3:1的比分取得胜利,小贝在赛场上依然保持着高度集中,在形势不尽人意之时甚至表现出不满。
It is believed the former England captain intends to keep Los Angeles as a family even though he might have up to two seasons playing in Europe。而贝克汉姆也将洛杉矶作为自己的家,尽管他过去至少有两个赛季是在欧洲踢球。
Following the win actor Gerard Butler posed with him as they each took a handle of the huge MLS cup in the photo room。夺冠后,贝克汉姆与苏格兰演员杰拉德·巴特勒一人拿着奖杯的一个手柄合照。
Victoria was spotted emerging from LAX Airport that same day with her one-year-old daughter, after attending to fashion business in London earlier this week。而在同一天,贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚也携一岁的女儿哈珀出现在洛杉矶国际机场。此前一周她一直在伦敦忙于时尚工作。