The world's oldest person is set to celebrate her 117th birthday, but says that despite her age, her life has seemed rather short. 世界上最长寿的老人大[微博]川美佐绪女士今天迎来了她117岁的生日,虽然已是如此高龄,但老人曾表示这117年其实“很短”。
Misao Okawa was born in Osaka, Japan, on March 5, 1898, was recognized as the world's oldest person by Guinness World Records in 2013. 大川美佐绪1898年3月5日出生在日本大阪,2013年时被世界吉尼斯记录认定为世界上最长寿的老人。
Mrs Okawa said she still does not know how she has lived for so long, but has previously credited her longevity to eight hours sleep, eating sushi, and doing squats until the age of 102.老人表示她也不清楚自怎么就活了这么长时间,但她曾说自己的长寿是可能是因为保证每天8小时的睡眠,常吃寿司,坚持做深蹲等锻炼一直到102。
'It seemed rather short,' she said after an Osaka government official asked how she felt about living for 117 years, adding that she is 'very happy' to be that age。一位大阪官员看望她并询问她感觉这117年过得怎么样时,老人回答说:“挺短的,现在觉得很幸福。”
Asked for the secret of her longevity, the great-grandmother responded nonchalantly, 'I wonder about that too.'被问到长寿秘诀时,这位117岁高龄的老奶奶淡定的回答:“我也想知道呢。”
During the celebrations of her 116th birthday last year, Mrs Okawa said: 'Eat and sleep and you will live a long time. You have to learn to relax.'去年在老人116岁的生日上,她曾说:“吃好、睡好,就能长寿。你得学会放松。”
The head of Mrs Okawa's retirement home added that she 'eats three large meals a day, sleeps eight hours a night, and insists that her favourite meal is sushi, particularly mackerel on vinegar-steamed rice.' 老人所在的养老院院长表示“她一天三顿饭都吃的都很多,每晚能睡八个小时,最喜欢吃寿司。”
The great-grandmother has slowed in recent months and has trouble hearing but she eats well and is in good health, the Osaka care home said today. 大阪护理中心的工作人员表示,老人最近几个月以来行动开始变得有些迟缓,听力也出现了一些问题,但这都没影响到老人的饮食,老人的健康状况依然良好。
Mrs Okawa married her husband, Yukio, in 1919, and they had three children — two daughters and a son. 大川女士于1919年与丈夫结婚,他们育有三个孩子,两个女儿和一个儿子。
Mrs Okawa says that the happiest moments of her life were her wedding and the birth of her children – she still has a surviving son and daughter who are now 94 and 92.大川女士称她人生中最幸福的时刻是婚礼那天和生孩子那天,现在她94岁的儿子和一个92岁的女儿都还健在。
She now has four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Her husband died in 1931.老人现在有四个重孙(子/女),以及六个重重孙(子/女),她的丈夫与1931年去世。
Mrs Okawa was recognized as the world's oldest person by Guinness World Records in 2013. Experts say it is no surprise that Mrs Okawa is Japanese。大川女士2013年被吉尼斯世界记录认定为世界最长寿的老人。专家表示日本人获此殊荣,并不奇怪。
The nation has the most centenarians in the world, with more than 58,000, according to the government. About 87 percent of them are women。据悉,日本拥有世界上最多的长寿老人,数量超过5.8万,其中87%为女性。
They say it is down to an excellent healthcare system, encouragement to stay active in old age and a healthy diet made up of fish, rice and fruit。专家称这可能源于日本完善的卫生保健系统,对老年人保持活力的鼓励,以及常吃鱼肉、米饭和水果的饮食习惯。
The life expectancy for a Japanese woman is almost 86 years while the average for a Japanese man is 79.6 years。日本女性的平均寿命为86岁,男性为79.6岁。
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