
2015年03月09日08:05  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆 熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆
熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆 熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆
熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆 熊孩子给妈妈化的惨不忍睹妆

  Splashed with garish colours, smudges and doodles, these chaotic images have a haunting quality as well as a humourous edge. 色彩亮丽,随手挥就,斑斑驳驳,乱涂乱画,这些杂乱的妆容既令人惊愕,又颇为诙谐。

  1.Artist Elly Heise, allowed young girls total freedom over painting their mothers faces。画家艾丽·赫斯让小女孩们完全自由发挥,为自己的妈妈化妆。

  2.Ashley Donoghue models the look given to her by 3-year-old daughter Aavie. Elly says she wants the project to affect people that feel pressured to present themselves in a certain way。阿什利·多诺霍带着3岁的女儿艾薇为她画的妆容拍照。艾丽说她希望这个项目能够对人们产生影响,让人们不要觉得自己有义务一定要以某种面貌示人。

  3.The girls that came in is that they were the happiest with the messiest elements of their work. Here four-year-old Abby Howell applies mascara to mother Kerri Madsen。来参加项目的小女孩都表示最喜爱自己化妆时采用最混乱的元素。此图为四岁的艾比·豪威尔为妈妈克里·梅德森上睫毛膏。

  4.Rather than attempting to conceal perceived flaws, the children instead use the face - and in many cases the hands and arms too- as a canvas to be celebrated with bold colours。孩子们并不想遮掩所见的瑕疵,而是把妈妈的脸——许多小女孩还用上了妈妈的手和胳膊——当做画布,用大胆的色彩和创意的造型尽兴作画。

  5.'Women are conditioned at a young age to spend their lives endlessly trying to meet impossibly idealized standards of beauty,' says Elly 。艾丽说,“女人们从很小的时候就被社会文化所桎梏,耗其一生追求一种几乎无人能及的理想化的审美标准。”


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