
2015年03月09日10:51  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
:4万镑高薪招人难: 来当小鸡性别鉴定师吗?4万镑高薪招人难: 来当小鸡性别鉴定师吗?

  "Chick sexers" are paid £40,000 a year to spend their days with tens of thousands of fluffy chicks。雏鸡雌雄鉴定员的薪水是一年4万英镑,工作是每天和数以万计的毛茸小鸡呆在一起。

  But despite the seemingly attractive offer, Britain's poultry industry is struggling to recruit and is now facing a staff shortage that is threatening exports。但是尽管职位看似很吸引人,但是英国家禽业却招不到人,面临着员工短缺,正在威胁出口。

  The problem, according to one industry chief, lies in the nature of the job: sexers spend 12 hours a day 'staring at the backside of a chick'. And each new recruit must spend three years learning how to do it。据该行业一位主管说,问题在于职位本身:雌雄鉴定员每天要花12小时时间盯着小鸡的屁股看。每一位新雇员都要花三年时间爱你学习怎么做。

  Andrew Large, chief executive of the British Poultry Council, added that another part of the problem is that the awareness of the role is not as high as it could be。英国家禽委员会主管安德鲁·拉格说另一个原因是人们对该职位的重视程度并没有达到它应该有的高度。

  Each future 'chick sexer' receives years in training in how to spot 'minuscule differences' in the size and shape of a newly-hatched chick's genitalia to determine whether it will be a rooster or a hen。每一位雏鸡雌雄鉴定员都要接受好几年的训练,关于如何通过分辨新孵出小鸡生殖器大小和形状的细微差别来决定哪一只是公鸡和母鸡。

  They are expected to be able to sort between 800 and 1,200 day-old old chicks an hour - between three and five seconds a chick - with an accuracy of 97 or 98 per cent。他们预期要一小时分800天到1,200天大的雏鸡,每三至5秒一只鸡,准确率要在97%或98%。

  This must be done for as long as it takes to fill an order, which can be up to 13 hours. And each chick must have its genitalia - known as its 'vent' - checked without being harmed, Mr Large told The Times。雏鸡雌雄鉴定员一直要这样做直到能交付定货,时间最多要13个小时。而且每只鸡必须在不受伤的情况下被检查生殖器,拉格先生告诉《泰晤士报》。


文章关键词: 双语性别鉴定

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