We’ve known for centuries that man’s best friend is the dog - right?几百年来我们一直都认为狗是男人的最好朋友,对不?
Not necessarily, according to a latest YouGov study, which found that lobsters were the preferred animals for men - when compared to the choices by women - followed by alligators, sticklebacks, sharks and eagles。可这还真不一定是对的。根据英国舆观调查公司的最新一项研究,男性最喜欢的动物是龙虾,其次是短吻鳄,然后是棘鱼、鲨鱼和鹰。
For women, meanwhile, the results were a bit more timid - with miniature pigs, cats, ponies, donkeys and chinchillas making up the top five。相比之下,女性最喜欢的动物则没有那么凶猛,排名依次是迷你猪、猫、小型马、驴子和南美洲栗鼠等。
The study involved a poll of 190,000 YouGov members in the UK, which the company says is ‘perhaps the largest dataset ever collected of people’s passions and phobias in the animal world’。该研究结果来自英国舆观公司对19万会员的调查,该公司称这可能是“迄今为止参与人数最多的有关动物喜好的调查”。
Overall, when gender is not taken into account, the nation’s favourite animals are dogs, tigers, elephants, cats and dolphins。整体来看,如果不考虑性别,那么英国人最喜欢的动物是狗,然后是老虎、大象、猫和海豚。
The least favoured are eels, millipedes and spiders。最不喜欢的动物是鳝鱼、千足虫和蜘蛛。
When male choices were compared to female choices, however, there was a surprising battle of the sexes on what the most popular animals were。如果考虑性别的话,可以发现在最喜欢的动物选择上男性和女性有着相当大的差异。
The data showed that lobsters were the most popular animal among men when compared to those less liked by women, followed by alligators, sticklebacks and so on。调查数据结果显示,龙虾是男人们最喜欢的动物,其次是短吻鳄、棘鱼等,而这些女人都不怎么喜欢。
For women, compared to men, it was miniature pigs at the top of the list, followed by cats and ponies。女人们最喜欢的动物是迷你猪,接着是猫和小型马。
As for the most popular animals, the study found that things like dogs and snails were slightly more popular among women than men. 该研究发现在最受欢迎的动物排名中,像狗、蜗牛等动物在女性中更受欢迎。
Men were more likely to prefer 'heroic', 'aggressive' or 'creepy' animals, while women preferred 'cute', 'beautiful' and 'exotic' species。男性倾向于选择“勇猛的、攻击性强的、让人害怕的”动物,而女性倾向于选择“可爱的、漂亮的、国外的”动物。
‘Animals with violent defensive abilities - sharks, eagles and piranhas - are particularly favoured by men,’ noted Will Dahlgreen in an article for YouGov. 威尔·达尔格林在一篇文章中提道:“像鲨鱼、鹰、水虎鱼等这种勇猛好斗的动物尤其受到男性的喜欢。”
‘The only mammal in the top 20 most uniquely male animals is the Narwhal, while every animal in the corresponding female list apart from the penguin and butterfly is mammal.’ “在只有男性喜欢的动物中,排名在前二十的只有一种哺乳动物--角鲸,而女性最喜欢的动物中,排在前二十的除了企鹅和蝴蝶之外全部都是哺乳动物。”
Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Dahlgreen added that his suspicion as to why men are more likely to have a positive impression of lobsters is because they associate them with fine dining。有说法称男性会对龙虾有这么强烈的好感是因为龙虾与美食相连,但达尔格林先生对此表示怀疑。
'As for why miniature pigs score so highly on female uniqueness, this isn’t because men are particularly likely to dislike them, but because women are more likely to be drawn towards cute animals,' he continued。他说:“至于为什么迷你猪在女性中这么受欢迎,并不是它们在男性中不受欢迎,只是因为女性更容易被可爱的小动物所吸引。”