She has amassed legions of fans on social media, inspired memes with her big blue eyes and even caught the attention of the Kardashians, but she is only eight months old。她在社交媒体上累积了一大波粉丝,那双水汪汪的蓝色大眼激发了无数网络脑洞,甚至还吸引了卡戴珊姐妹的注意力——但这小家伙才8个月大呢!
Egypt, the daughter of Australian rapper and 'internet entrepreneur' Fortafy, hit 100,000 likes on Facebook after a photograph of her wearing a Kardashian Kids-branded beanie went viral when the label owned by the reality television sisters re-posted it on its social media accounts。这张照片里,小家伙戴着卡戴珊婴幼儿品牌小圆帽,如今这名澳大利亚说唱艺人兼“互联网企业家”Fortafy的女儿“小埃及”在脸书上已获得了10万个赞。
Since it was shared on Instagram on June 4, it has been liked almost 30,000 times.6月4日在Instagram上分享了这张照片之后,获赞就已到了近3万次。
Fortafy told Daily Mail Australia he and his partner, Shana Evers, were thrilled their daughter had triggered such a reaction.Fortafy告诉《每日邮报澳洲版》说,他和自己的伴侣莎娜·埃弗斯都激动坏了,他们的女儿居然能(在网上)激起惊涛骇浪。
'It was awesome to be acknowledged and really made me proud as a parent,' he said。“能被大家认可真是太棒了,我们做父母的也很骄傲,”他说。
But another surprise came along when the Brisbane family received a handwritten note from the Kardashians。不过布里斯班家族收到了另一样惊喜就是卡戴珊姐妹的手写留言:
It read: 'Dear Shana, Fortafy and your beautiful daughter. Hope you love these new pieces from our Kardashian Kids collection. Xo Kourtney, Kim and Khloe.'上面写道:“亲爱的莎娜、Fortafy还有你们美丽的小女儿。希望你们喜欢我们卡戴珊婴儿品牌的新品。啵一个~考特尼,金和科勒。”
Fortafy told Daily Mail Australia it was great to receive a note from the Kardashians, and it was funny because many people drew similarities between Ms Evers and the most famous of the sisters, Kim.Fortafy告诉《每日邮报澳洲版》,收到卡戴珊姐妹的便条棒呆了,而且有意思的是,很多人觉得他的夫人埃弗斯和卡戴珊姐妹中最知名的金长得很像。
'Shana's been getting that for years. People have always said she looks like her [Kim],' he said。“已经有很多年了,人家都说她和金·卡戴珊长得很像,”他说。
@SamF:Beautiful baby, but the name! Seriously...I think I'll name my next kid Nicaragua。好漂亮的娃儿……但是这名字是咋回事!真心的……我在考虑给我下一个娃儿取名尼加拉瓜。
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