编辑点评:有三个帅哥哥,一个牛b的妈妈,一个更牛b的爸爸……上辈子拯救了银河系、投胎小能手、集万千宠爱于一身的Harper Seven Beckham,4岁了!粑粑小贝在网上上传了一张美丽小公举与帅粑粑的合照,顿时萌化了万千粉丝的心!
He is a doting father as well as an iconic footballer。他既是溺爱小公举的父亲,也是一位模范球员。
And, to prove it, David Beckham posted another adorable snapshot of himself with daughter Harper on Friday evening - as she celebrated her fourth birthday。不相信吗?看,大卫·贝克汉姆近日又上传了一张萌萌哒的自己与女儿哈珀的合照——当时她正在庆祝自己的四岁生日。
Wearing a party hat, the 40-year-old star can be seen leaning in to kiss his little girl as she plays with a doll in their family garden to mark her big day。在照片上,两人正在自家的花园里庆祝生日,这位现年40岁的球星带着派对纸帽,侧脸微倾,轻吻他的小女儿,后者正在玩娃娃。
Clearly proud of his youngest child, who has clearly spent all day being suitably spoiled, he captioned the shot with: 'Sweet dreams my little 4 year old。这位父亲显然对自己最小的孩子满心骄傲,这一天她理所应当的备受宠溺,在照片标题上,爸爸写着:“我的小宝贝四岁了,愿你美梦成真。”
Unsurprisingly, the image was liked 198,000 times by early on Friday evening, proving that his fans love his softer side。不出人们意料,这张照片在当天晚上已经获得了19万8千人点赞,这说明小贝的粉丝都爱看到小贝的柔情面。
The fashion-forward four-year-old has followed in the footsteps of both of her doting parents in recent years。近年来,这个颇为时尚的四岁小女孩对爸爸妈妈两方面的特长都有所继承。
She's demonstrated a keen flair for style as her mother continues to dress her impeccably for the front row and for days out。一方面,她的母亲一直为她打扮得无比娇美,让她在闪光灯和世人面前美美哒,而她本人也表现出对时尚的天赋。
But also, much to her mother's distaste, Harper has indicated that she's got a keen interest in football because Victoria says she has her own sporting strip. 但同时,令妈妈很不满意的是,哈珀还表示她非常喜欢足球。据维多利亚说,她曾参加过自己的运动旅行。
She recently joked: 'Harper loves football. It’s like a dagger going into my heart. 妈妈还这样玩笑的说,“哈珀喜欢踢足球。我感觉一把匕首插进我的心。”