
2015年07月23日15:16  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Grinning cheekily in his father’s arms, Prince George can’t resist monkeying around in this previously unseen photograph issued to mark his second birthday。嬉皮笑脸的乔治王子在爸爸的怀抱中止不住地调皮捣蛋——这张之前未被泄露过的照片将被用来纪念乔治王子的两岁生日。

  The picture was taken by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino at his little sister Princess Charlotte’s christening earlier this month。这张照片的拍摄者是著名的时尚摄影师马里奥·特斯蒂诺,摄于本月月初他的妹妹夏洛特公主的洗礼仪式上。

  The snap shows doting father Prince William and his son in the gardens at Sandringham House, the Queen’s private residence in Norfolk。这张照片展示的是宠溺的父亲威廉王子和他的儿子在桑德林汉姆别墅——女王在诺福克郡的私人住宅的花园中。

  William, who recently described his lively son as a ‘little monkey’, looks on with pride as George, who is third in line to the throne and was born at the private Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital on July 22 2013, gazes adorably into the camera。威廉王子最近把他那活泼好动的儿子称作“小猴子”,他看向儿子的眼神中饱含着自豪之情。2013年7月22日出生于林都翼圣玛丽医院的乔治王子是王位的第三任继承人。

  The little prince is wearing the £85 Rachel Riley shorts and blouse that his mother, Kate, had made especially for the occasion. The outfit, which sold out in many sizes within hours of George first appearing in it, was a replica on one worn by Prince William when he went to visit his younger brother, Prince Harry, after he was born。这位小王子身着由他的妈妈凯特王妃为此场合特地选择的价值85英镑的瑞秋·莱利(童装品牌)的衬衫短裤。当乔治王子首次身穿这套服装出现在公众视线仅几个小时后,这套服装便被抢购一空。这套服装简直就是当年威廉王子去拜访他的弟弟——刚出生的哈里王子时的着装的翻版。


文章关键词: 乔治双语

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