
2015年07月24日14:10  爱语吧     收藏本文     

  You’ve probably experienced an ‘afternoon crash’ at some point. This feeling of fatigue after lunch can make it a struggle to get through your work day, leaving you feeling drained and unproductive. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re experiencing this feeling, it’s worth taking a look at why exactly it happens and how the problem can be resolved. By following a few simple tips, you’ll be able to fight the midday slump and get your tasks done with ease.


  What causes the afternoon crash? Any of the above, or a combination of them could lead to sluggishness throughout the afternoon, so try to avoid them if ultimate productivity is your goal. How can I boost my energy and avoid the slump?


  There could be a number factors that contribute to your afternoon fatigue. It’s possible you didn’t get enough sleep and are therefore struggling to get through the day, however it may also be linked to your diet and lifestyle choices. Keep in mind that the drowsiness you experience between 2 and 4pm is linked to a dip in your body temperature. This is similar to the feeling you get just before going to sleep at night, so the brain releases melatonin. You will subsequently feel sleepier than before, as if you need a long nap. Ensuring you take care of yourself and consume the right food and drink could help to prevent the effects of this slump, helping you get more done throughout the day。


  People often say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that’s true if you’re hoping to avoid fatigue. A cup of coffee and a candy bar from a convenience store may give you instant energy, but they won’t sustain your body throughout the day. Instead, try healthy whole grains, fruit and high-fiber products that will keep you full without draining your body. Women should be consuming 300 – 400 calories at breakfast time while men need around 500. This should include healthy carbohydrates to fuel your body effectively。



文章关键词: 双语午餐

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