
2015年07月27日14:39  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     


  Let's say you're an international spy and a dastardly villain has just used his laser eye to cut the cable to your elevator car, sending you plunging hundreds of stories to your death. Everyone knows the best way to survive such a fate would be to jump just before you hit, right? 假设你是名国际间谍,现在有个恶棍用激光弄断你所乘电梯的缆绳,意图使你从几百层楼高的地方坠亡。大家都认为最好的逃生办法就是在坠地之前跳起来,对吧?

  Well, not really. As proven by the Myth Busters, that just doesn't work. 其实不然。密斯·巴斯特证实,这样做于事无补。

  As part of a promotion for a book entitled "How to Survive Anything," travel-book giant Lonely Planet has just released a series of videos showing how to survive a variety of situations from getting locked out of your hotel room naked, to yes -- how to emerge from a plunging elevator alive. 世界最大的私人旅游指南出版商《孤独星球》在推销《如何脱离险境》一书活动中发布了一系列相关视频。比如说,一个人什么也没穿,还被锁在了酒店房间门外,在这种情形下该怎么办?又或者,怎样从一直往下坠的故障电梯中逃生。

  Note that steps given in the Lonely Planet video, embedded below, are in contradiction to the advice Eliot H. Frank, at the time a research engineer for the Center for Biomedical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gave to a New York Times reader in 2012.要说明的是,《孤独星球》在其视频中给出的措施步骤与艾略特·H·弗兰克(时任麻省理工学院生物医学工程研究中心工程师)于2012年向《纽约时报》读者给出的意见是相左的。

  Frank said that the best course of action would be to lie flat on the floor to distribute the impact across your whole body. And he specifically said not to bend your knees or brace yourself (two pieces of advice given in the Lonely Planet video) because "at high G-forces, your legs would simply not be able to support the weight of your body. Even the weight of your own head would be too much for your neck to support." 弗兰克建议,最好的办法就是躺平,使受力遍及全身。他还专门指出,最好不要屈膝或抱住自己(这两点恰是《孤独星球》在视频中提到的建议),因为“在高倍重力下,你单单靠腿是支撑不了你自身重量的,甚至你的脖子也难以支撑头的重量”。

  So it's pretty much your call. Will you go with the travel book publisher, or an MIT scientist? My advice? Stick with the engineer on this one, but go with Lonely Planet on the naked-in-your-hotel thing. They really do have some good ideas for that situation。总之呢,怎么样来由你自己决定。是听《孤独星球》的呢?还是听艾略特·H·弗兰克的?我的意见?在电梯事故上还是听这名工程师的吧。而在赤身被锁酒店房门外的情况下,《孤独星球》的一些建议措施还是很好的。


文章关键词: 双语电梯逃生

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