
2015年08月03日10:04  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画
创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画 创意无限叹为观止的手掌3D画

  These highly realistic three-dimensional paintings are the handiwork of Italian artist Luca Luce。这些极其逼真的3D画作都是来自意大利艺术家卢卡·卢斯的手作。

  He’s a makeup artist by profession, but he uses his extensive knowledge of colors and shading to create surreal optical illusions on his own palm。他是一位职业化妆师,但是他凭借自己广博的色彩与阴影知识在自己的手掌上创作出了超现实的光影错觉。

  Luca is an ace at clever shadow placement and photorealistic drawing。卢卡是玩弄阴影位置和真实感绘制的高手。

  He brings these two aspects into every artwork in his unique palm painting series, creating astonishing images that will make you to a double take。他将这两部分融入了所有自己的独特手绘系列创作中,其令人震惊的图像会让你忍不住惊讶地再多看一眼。

  For example, he painted a jigsaw piece taken out of his palm, with a gaping hole left underneath。比如,他绘制了一幅从手掌上取出一篇拼图碎片的图片,底下还有一个巨大的洞。

  The whole image is so realistic, it really does look like a piece of his palm has been lifted and placed aside。整幅图像是如此的逼真以至于它看上去真的像是从他手掌上掀起来放置一旁似的。

  Some of his other paintings include a crater in his palm with a scary face peeping from within, a four-eyed face that seems to be talking to him, a reptile erupting from his wrist, and the skin of his palm peeled backward to reveal a power outlet。他的其他手绘作品还有手掌上的陨石坑,里面有一张吓人的鬼脸正在偷窥着;一张长有四只眼睛的脸庞似乎在和他对话;从手腕处爆发的爬虫;以及手掌上的皮肤剥离后露出一个电源插座。

  There’s no questioning Luca Luce’s mastery of hyperrealism. No matter what subject he chooses to paint on his palm, you can expect it to turn out convincingly realistic。卢卡·卢斯对于写实主义的掌握是毋庸置疑的。无论他选择什么样的主题在手掌上绘制,你都能够得到一份令人信服的写实作品。

  We’re big fan of body-painted optical illusions and recommend you also check out the masterpieces of Oregon-based artist Natalie Fletcher and Craig Tracy。我们都是人体彩绘光影错觉的超级粉丝,推荐你也去看看俄勒冈的艺术家娜塔利·弗莱彻和克雷格·特雷西的杰作。


文章关键词: 双语手掌3D画

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