A fabulous French feline has taken the internet by storm, with her big, bushy moustache. 有只酷炫的法国猫以其膨大而浓密的胡须引爆因特网。
Citronnelle, the moustachioed cat, lives in luxury in Paris with her owner Clementine. 这只留胡须的猫猫名叫希桐乐,与其主人克莱蒙居住在巴黎,过着“土豪”的小日子。
And the new internet A-lister has already racked up more than 32,000 Instagram followers and even has her own email address. 而这只网络一线大红大紫的猫已在Instagram上征服了3万2000名粉丝,还有了自己的邮箱地址。
The British shorthair was born with a unique facial pattern that makes it look as though she has a large, white ‘tache’ just below her nose。这只英国短毛猫生来就面部花纹别致有型,有如紧贴鼻子下方长着白花花的大胡子一般。
Clementine posts daily pictures on Instagram and Facebook of her very refined pet, peeking out of shopping bags, sprawled on a bench taking a nap, or waiting for her supper. 克莱蒙每天都在Instagram和脸书上贴出她娴雅的宠物猫,有的从购物袋里探头张望,有的是匍匐于长凳小憩,有的嗷嗷等待晚餐。
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