Despite what you may have heard, Coke is not the new ebola. By now, everyone on the planet has likely seen The Renegade Pharmacist's infographic about what happens to your body immediately after you drink a can of Coke. 不管你是否有所听闻,可乐并不算新型的埃博拉病毒。迄今,地球人都已看过@变节药剂师图文并茂的解说,有关喝完一听可乐后你身体立刻会发生的变化。
Though many of those claims have been debunked, it doesn't change the fact that Coke and most soft drinks are loaded with sugar。尽管不少言论谬误已遭揭穿,但并不能改变可乐和其他软饮料饱含糖分的事实。
But what does that mean to the average consumer? After all, what does something like 39 grams of sugar (the amount in a standard U.S. sized can of Coke) look like? Food photographer and artist Henry Hargreaves wanted to find out。但这对普通消费者而言又意味着什么呢?毕竟,39克糖(一听标准美国可乐)是啥样?食品摄影师兼艺术家亨利·哈格威斯欲一探究竟。
"I decided to do an experiment to show what's in soft drinks after the water is boiled away. Once boiled, I took each remaining substance and poured it into a lollipop mold. After all, I figure that's what you're essentially getting: candy in costume as a soft drink," Hargreaves told Mashable."我决定做个试验,看看软饮料里的水分煮干后还剩些什么。一旦煮干,我把每种饮料剩余的物质倒进棒棒糖模子。毕竟,我想你基本会懂:这就是糖果穿着戏服伪装成软饮料呢,”哈格威斯对Mashable如是说道。
He made a lollipop mold for each drink. He then boiled each liquid until the water almost entirely evaporated and it was reduced to syrupy goo. He poured each mixture into its corresponding mold, added a lollipop stick and voila — a visual representation of all the sugar you don't know you're drinking。哈格威斯给每种饮料都制作了棒棒糖模子。然后把每种液体都沸煮,直至水分几乎完全蒸发,只剩粘稠的糖浆,再把每种混合糖浆倒进相应的模子里,加根棒棒糖的棒子,呐,你看,大功告成——糖分的视觉代言,全是些你都不知道你在喝的糖。
The results don't surprise Hargreaves, who says "Are you willing to drink a gigantic lollipop's worth of sugar during lunch every day? In this case, seeing really is believing。”对实验结果哈格威斯并不吃惊,他说,“你真的愿意每天午餐时分,喝下相当于一大根棒棒糖所含糖分的饮料吗?这样的话,还真是眼见为实。”
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