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Lesson3  对话篇
A Call Back to New York


Ken and Cynthia Green have moved from New York, and they're getting ready to take a trip to San Diego. Ken has just called his mother, back in New York.

Ken: Hi, Mom?

Mother: Hi, dear. How are you all doing in your new place?
Ken: Well, you know it takes a long time to settle in.
Mother: Yes, I imagine you've got so much to do. How does your furniture look there? Great, I suppose.
Ken: Sure, but some things are bigger than we imagined. In any case, it's not that bad. Now we're getting ready for our trip.
Mother: Are you still going to drive up to Canada?
Ken: No. We only have about two weeks so we're going to drive down to San Diego. It's closer, and it'll be much less tiring, you know.
Mother: Yes, I see. Maybe next year you'll have more time, and, of course, you won't be moving again. You'll be free to go anywhere.
Ken: Well, Mother, we hope you'll be able to come to California to see our new place. Stay as long as you can.
Mother: I'm afraid I'm going to be busy for a while, dear. You know my new business, and I'm not as fast a worker as I used to be.
Ken: You can't be that busy! We hope you'll try your best to get here as fast as you can.
Mother: OK. It really isn't as bad as it seems. Can I speak to Cynthia and the kids for a minute, dear?
Ken: Sure, just a second…(Ken yells) Cynthia…Jon…Judy…

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