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Lesson 3 文法篇 暂停 播放全部

1.Hope/be afraid的用法与关系 Hope和be afraid在文法上并没有什么关系。在本课中会被相提并论,主要是它们在意义上表示同性质的心理:hope表示一般的希望,可能实现也可能失望,be afraid则表示预期会失望
A:I hope the exam won't be difficult. 我希望考试不难。
B:I'm afraid it will.恐怕会难喔。
A:I'm afraid I won't have a very good time at the party. 我恐怕不能在舞会中尽兴。
B:I hope you will. 我希望你会。
A:I hope she'll come home next week. 我希望她下星期会回家。
B:I'm afraid she won't. 恐怕她不会回家。
A:I'm afraid I can't lend you the money. 我恐怕无法借给你钱。
B:I hope you can. 我希望你能。
A:I hope you can lend me the money. 我希望你能借我那笔钱。
B:I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕没办法。
A:I hope my son studied hard for the test. 我希望我儿子为考试努力读书了。
B:I'm afraid he didn't. 恐怕他没有。
2.As soon as I can/could的用法 本句型用can或could,是依时态来决定:现在或示来用can,过去用could。 除此之外,as soon as I can/could=as soon as possible.
A:How soon will you be ready? 你多快可以准备好?
B:I'll be ready as soon as I can. 我尽快准备好。
B:I'll be ready as soon as possible. 我尽快准备好。
A:How fast will you get there? 你多快会到达那儿?
B:I will get there as fast as I can. 我会尽快到达。
B:I will get there as fast as possible. 我会尽快到达。
A:How much do you save? 你存了多少?
B:I save as much as I can. 我尽可能多存。
B:I save as much as possible. 我尽可能多存。

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