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Lesson 3  听力会话
The World of Fashion

Emilie comes from France, but after studying fashion in an art college, she couldn't find a job. Her parents wanted her to stay in France, but Emilie made the difficult decision to look for work in the States. Now, she has been in Los Angeles for two years, and she has a good job in a small garment factory. She designs men's and women's clothes. Let's listen in on her conversation with Franco, a colleague in her office.

Franco: Hey Emilie, you look really smart today.
Emilie: Oh, thanks, Franco, but I don't look that smart.
Franco: No, really. Did you make that outfit yourself?
Emilie: No, my mother sent it from France. I don't like it that much, though.
Franco: No, I think it really suits you.
Emilie: You know, it's the same style as her own clothes - but of course not the same size as hers. She's much heavier than I.
Franco: Well, whatever. By the way, I've wanted to ask you: How is the fashion business in France nowadays?
Emilie: Well, let me tell you. I looked as hard as I could for a job, but I couldn't find one.
Franco: So, is that why you came here?
Emilie: Yeah, you bet. And I'm really glad I did. The fashion business isn't as difficult here as in Paris.
Franco: Oh? How's that?
Emilie: Well first, in Paris there aren't as many jobs for new people as here. Then, of course, Paris has many more really famous designers from all over the world.
Franco: So, are their designs so much better?
Emilie: No, not better -just more expensive and often more elegant.
Franco: More elegant? I'm afraid I don't understand.
Emilie: Well, I suppose people in the States - at least in California - dress more casually. You know, their clothes are less formal.
Franco: I guess I see what you mean. Europeans always look more sophisticated.
Emilie: Only sometimes. Remember, in America people are freer to wear what they want formal, classic, informal. Anything goes.
Franco: Don't forget "punk."
Emilie: Right, and I guess we'd better not forget that order we have to finish.
Franco: I remember. Don't remind me. It's going to take us all day.
Emilie: It won't take that long.
Franco: I hope it doesn't. Let's try to finish as soon as we can.

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