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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/06 17:54  国际学生交流协会

Dear friend:

  I still can’t believe what have happened yesterday. At about nine o’clock, school want every classroom turn on the TV, said there’s something happen in American. Some of my classmates are saying“oh, oh, sounds bad!”When I know the first plan Crashed into the building, I thought it was a normal one then, the second plane crashed again. I became confusing: why did the planes crashed in the building again? Then the third one and the forth, the TV in my classroom is broken, we can’t here the sound, but the teacher call her mom, ask what have happened. She wrote something when she’s on the plane.“At 9:00 the first plane crashed…we don’t know who the enemy is.”Then, suddenly, I saw the building cracking. It’s on TV, like watching the movie“Independent day”(ID4) I can’t imagine how many people are working in the building it’s really horrible, I felt sad. All the students were talking about it during the lunch. Since nine o’clock, we’ve watched the movie for three periods. When I arrive home, host mom told me to call home to let my parents know I am safe. That’s about three in the midnight. Today I go to school I saw the American flag is in the middle of the flagpole. The first period is world history, but we didn’t teach the lesson. Teacher spent hole class to tell us the information and the background he searched in the Internet, we’ll have some more tomorrow.

  I think I’m going to drop the world humanities. It’s really strange. The class I take should be world history, but they separate it into two classes. The first one we’re now teaching Greece, the second one are using the literature text book, and we’ve spent three classes reading the line of a drama. Last week we had a quiz, I only fill two blanks because first, I don’t know quiz is a test, so I didn’t prepare it, second, I use dictionary to check the words I don’t understand, so I remember those things in Chinese, I can’t spell the words, I felt very bad. Because it makes me felt I’m a bad student. After the test, teacher told with me. We both think I should change another class (The other reason is I’m not interesting in literature!) I also ask my host mom, she think literature is really too hard for me. She doesn’t know they put literature in world humanities when I choose my class.

  All the students in my Physics class are in 12 grades. I don’t know why, but I felt they are not as nice as other 11 grades student in my other class. They are not mean, but they seldom talk with me. I guess they are two reasons: First, they already know each other before. Second, I guess they are not happy that in 11 grades student take Physics. I’ve heard other students told me that they think Physics is difficult. Even when students are in 12 grades, most of them choose Chemistry or Biology. I can’t remember how many times did students use surprised eyes looked at me and said,“You take Physics! What grade are you in?”When I told them I’m in 11 grades. They’re like“God, how can you do that?”They are even more surprise when I told them I’m the exchange from Taiwan. They said:“Even though we’ve using English for 16 or 17 years, we still don’t take Physics. And you, you’re just here for about two weeks but you take Physics!”Lots of students ask me is it hard. I said“English may be the hardest part for me in any subject.”I’m going to have a quiz for Physics on Friday. I was starting to prepare it since two days ago. I hope I can do a good job. So far I’ve got full mark on world history and Algebra2. But it’s because we’re only testing the part we just learn in world history. The Algebra is very easy for me. I’ve learned it when I was in 7 grades. When we are having the test, teacher asked me did I finish the questions, because I finish them too quick and was watching around the classroom. I ask host mom should I change to another math class. But she told me other subject I choose are difficult and need time to study. If I take another hard class, I may spend all my time in study and need time to go out with friends and enjoy American life. She suggested me to help other students to solve the problems. I’ll still stay in that class.

  Li Jen

  2001 12 09






  Li Jen

  2001 12 09

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天涯若比邻--国际学生、教师交流活动实录 专题
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