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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/06 18:08  国际学生交流协会

Dear Dana:

  It has been a long time since I wrote you last time! I’m just being busy and lazy. Our band just finished the final state marching band contest last week. We’ve got“1”, the best grade in AA class. We’re so exciting! We have a band formal next year (it’s kind of like homecoming) and we have to raise money for it, so on Thursday, we went to Kroger’s (a grocery store) and play music, we did it very well. some people even stay there half an hour to listen to us. I had a great time. We were raise 700 dollars one night.

  How’s your Halloween? I was so busy during that time cause I have test for American History and Physics. The band had some activity at the night I go trick or treat. I was so surprised that I got so many candies (100 pieces). There only about ten kids living in our neighborhood, maybe that’s why we got so many candies. The next day drama club has a party, but it was a little bit boring.

  I met the exchange student from Mexico this week. We talked a lot. She was surprised that I haven’t feel homesick yet. I started to talk a lot this week cause some of my friends said I was quiet!“QUIET”! I’ve never herd people use quiet describe me since I was born. So I just stared to talk, talk, talk and talk, but not during the class time. I fond that lots of American students talk during the class time and I never do it, maybe that’s why they“thought”I’m“quiet”! But it’s true that sometimes when my friends are talking, I don’t know how to cut in. What can I say! I mean we have different topic when I was in Taiwan!

  This week, the yearbook interviews me and the girl from Mexico. It’s pretty interesting. I told them the joke I had make, I was learning people strike for higher wage from American History, once I went home and saw the title of the newspaper“America Strikes Back”and I keep on read it. I was so confused, I asked my host mom“Why do those people strike”she told me:“because they crashed the plane and build.”“I know, but why do they strike?”“Remember what happen on Sep. 11”Yes, but…finally she found out what the problem is“Strike is another word of fight”! I was thinking, you weird American, what do you think you can help the country by not going to the work!

  We have finished our project from broadcasting. We interview people how do they thinkabout broadcasting class (this is a new class in our school) and all projects are going to show on TV, cause we’ve bought the time. Isn’t it cool I think we can never do it in Tai Wan? We still have other project will show on TV later on.How have you been?

  Li Jen

  2001 12 09







  Li Jen

  2001 12 09

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天涯若比邻--国际学生、教师交流活动实录 专题
我参加军乐队不仅是因为好玩(2002/09/06/ 18:00)
我所经历的“9.11”和我的选修课(2002/09/06/ 17:54)
美国中学生与Internet(2002/09/05/ 19:08)
课堂点击校园枪击案(2002/09/05/ 19:06)
美式英语课(2002/09/05/ 19:05)

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[许哲佩] 气球
[杨千桦] 闪灵
[陈绮贞] 小步舞曲
[水木年华] 一生有你

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