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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/06 18:13  国际学生交流协会

Dear friend:

  How is everything going? I have a really good Thanksgiving holiday. No homework, no study! Oh my god! I'm so happy with that, you know, sometimes all the teachers thought you students are having a long holiday or weekend, lets have some homework! That sucks! I had a really busy week before thanksgiving cause I had to prepare for two tests, worst of all, I was sick during the time I plan to study. I had to finish all the study right before the tests. Well, I think I did it pretty well.

  My host family hosted an exchange student from Germany five years ago. She is studying in college in Virginia. They have a weeklong thanksgiving holiday, so she brings her friend who is college exchange student from England. We have an international Thanksgiving. Taiwan, Germany, England and America. We had a wonderful time. We ate all the delicious food, desert and the host mom even made cookies and candies. In short, we just eat, eat, eat and eat as pigs. This is my first thanksgiving.

  Few weeks ago, my host family went to the church the first time since I got here. They used to go to the church pretty often but because I have a different religion, they don't want me to feel uncomfortable staying at home when they go to the church. I surprised my host parent when I tell them I want to go with them. They said only a few exchange student, they hosted go to church with them. I don't really know why I choose to go with them. I just feel curious about the church. I've never been to a church when I was in Taiwan. People in the church speak so fast and there so many words I don't understand. Sometimes they stand up and sometimes they bend on their knees. Sometimes they read the lines in the book and sometimes they sing. Actually, I totally got confused. I don't remember what they were talking about, but there's one thing I'm sure of, even all the religions have different traditions and stories, they all teach people to be happy and thankful, and wishing the world we live will be better!

  Li Jen

  2001 12 09






  Li Jen

  2001 12 09

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天涯若比邻--国际学生、教师交流活动实录 专题
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