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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/30 17:00  中国人民大学出版社

  第二类 具体模式如下:

  提出问题 (以否定的形式) 指出问题存在何处 得出结论



  1. 该类文章是批评或指责性的,因此,提出问题部分多直接表示批评或指责。

  2. 论据部分一般用于指出不良现象的存在及其存在的原因。

  3. 结论部分通常可以是:





  第三类 具体模式如下:

  提出问题(涵盖两三方面) 论述第一方面 论述第二方面…… 总结(涵盖上文提到的方面)


  Modern mass-production methods lower the cost of making goods,and thus give us better values. At the same time, American ingenuity science are constantly at work improving the quality of products. In this way,better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups.

  As an example of how this works,when facial tissues were first put on the market in 1924,they were made in limited quantities and sold at 65 cents per box of 200. People liked these facial tissues immediately and began asking for them when they went into different stores. Because there was such a demand for the product,manufacturers were making tissues in greater quantities,their production cost were lowered,so that the cost of tissues went down. In the meanwhile, the quality of facial tissues was constantly improving,because more manufacturers went into the business of making tissues,and each manufacturer strove to make his product better than his competitors. Today,instead of costing 65 cents,a box of 200 facial tissues costs are around one-third of that price,and they are both softer and stronger.

  When people are free to compete - when they are free to make more things and make them better - everyone benefits.



  第一方面——数量:需求的增长 → 产量的增加 → 成本的下降 → 价格的下降

  第二方面——质量:制造商之间的竞争 → 质量的上升

  1. In regard to the production of goods in greater quantities,the author states that the .

  [A] price of goods should rise

  [B] price of goods should drop

  [C] quality and price should both rise

  [D] quality should rise and the price should drop


  2. When manufacturers of facial tissues discovered how to produce tissues for less money,they reduced the .

  [A] quality so as to earn even greater profits

  [B] price a consumer must pay for their product

  [C] profits they anticipated from sales

  [D] standards of the entire industry


  3. Improved quality of facial tissues resulted from .

  [A] mass-production methods

  [B] popular demand for a better product

  [C] competition among manufacturers

  [D] a decrease in price


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