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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/27 17:41  华夏大地自考版

  Part One (60 Points)

  I. 语法、词汇。用适当的词填空。从A、B、C、D四个玄想中,选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写上所选答案的字母。(本大题共25小题,没小题1分。共25分。)

  Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points.)

  1. All things------, he is the best person we can find for the job.

  A. considering B. being considered C. having considered D. considered

  2. The poor woman asked the lawyer what---- his judgment

  A. did he base B. he based C. had he based D. he had based

  3. You----be too careful when you use a knife (to cut things).

  A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. oughtn’t

  4. We will go on with the project-----difficulties we may meet with.

  A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever

  5. It is essential that a student complete the assignments----required.

  A. than B. as C. like D. thus

  6. He-----unwisely, but he was at last trying to do something helpful.

  A. should act B. would act C. may have acted D. must have acted

  7. -----six days later, the boy was more dead than alive.

  A. Rescued B. Rescuing C. Having been rescued D. Having rescued

  8. None of their new products have sold well, ----?

  A. haven’t they B. have they C. hasn’t it D. Has it

  9. Students should not be easily contented with the facts offered in textbooks, as many things in the world are----a matter of attitude and perception------the simple memorization of facts.

  A. either, or B. neither, not C. more, than D. both, and

  10. In the area, AIDS is----disease that the very mention of it strikes terror into the population.

  A. so dreadful a B. such dreadful C. a so dreadful D. a such dreadful



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