如何申请延期 | ||||||||
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/27 14:29 新浪教育 | ||||||||
9.4 如何申请延期? 如果B-1签证持有者无法按期完成访美目的,需要延期停留,应在I-94出入境记录卡上日期到期之前至少21~30天,向最近的地方移民支局提出延期申请。通常B-1商务签证每次申请延期不得超过6个月,根据需要B-1商务签证最长只可停留一年期限。
延期申请所需材料为: ·申请表格:I-539非移民身份延期/转换申请表; ·出入境记录卡:I-94卡原件; ·美国邀请方或者申请人单位出具的公司信函:说明申请人延期停留的理由; ·经济证明:有足够资金维持延期停留期间所 需的生活费用,例如银行证明信或经济担保书(I-134表); ·离境安排证明:例如回程或离境机票(可交复印件,不须交机票原件)。 9.5 典型案例 9.5.1 王平 北京赴美参加学术会议 签证 2003 美国邀请方:MIT 被邀请方:北京大学本科生王平,已被SMA录取 赴美参加活动:参加学术会议 在美预计停留时间:半个月 签证地点:北京签证类型:B-1 签证预约时间:2003 .6 签证次数:1 签证准备方式:a(请依据重点从左到右依次排列)a. BBS(请说明BBS名字) b. 签过证的人指导 c. 参考书(请说明书名)d. 其他(请说明) 签证准备材料: 美国邀请方:ü会议邀请函üSMA的Offer Letter(证明参加活动的资金来源)被邀请方:ü护照üDS156/157表ü学生身份证明ü学生证 签证面试经过:Me: Nice to meet you, sir.. VO: Nice to meet you.VO: So, why do you go to US? Me: For the summer conference of SMA at MIT. VO: What's the conference for? Me: We will have seminars delivered by CEOs of start-up companies and industries in the US. And also communicate with MIT faculty and students. VO: What are you doing now? Me: An undergraduate student in PKU. VO: What's your major? Me: Electronics. VO: Who will cover your fee?Me: SMA will pay for all the expenses in US.(送入offer Letter)VO: Wait for a moment. (等了10分钟。)VO: What will you study in Singapore? Me: Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems. (后面半句我说得很快很含糊 因为涉及敏感专业。)VO: Advanced Materials?Me: Yes.VO: How long will you graduate? Me: A year and three years if for the PhD. VO: Have you applied to USA? Me: Yes. VO: Which universities?Me: Stanford, Harvard and Princeton.VO: Then why choose SMA? Me: I am very interested in the program there. The cooperation between the top universities both in Asia and America will provide me a lot of opportunities.VO: Ok, I will issue Visa today. Me: Thank you! 总结: VO都挺和蔼可亲的,大tt也不可怕。不用特别紧张。如果听不清楚,直接说pardon或者让他们慢点说,不会因为这个就说你英文不够好。说话时大方一些,从某种程度上说这也是展示个人魅力的时候,要让VO觉得你很自信。然后就是应该积极争取,抓住机会多说一些。 |