

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月13日 14:50   新浪教育

  31,认真思考某事 give care though to sth.

  32,像样的(体面的)工作 a decent job

  33,致力于某事 dedicate oneself to

  34,分担责任 share the responsibility

  35,家庭暴力 domestic violence

  36,内在素质 inner quality

  37,疲倦的 be worn out

  38,缺乏大人的陪伴 lack of adult companionship

  39,受过良好的教育 well-educated

  40,相互了解 nutual understanding

  41,要求高的工作 demanding position

  42,争取权益 struggle for rights

  43,追求职业目标 pursue their career goals

  44,基本的生活技能 basic life-skills

  45,竞争意识 competitive consciousness

  46,社会地位 social status

  47,同等对待 be equally treated

  48,职业技能 professional skill

  49,超时工作 work overtime

  50,过上体面的生活 lead a decent life

  51,生活节奏 living tempo

  52,生活水平 living standard

  53,同甘共苦share the weal and woe(joys and sorrows/comforts and hardships)

  54,消除代沟 bridge the generation gap

  55,消除误会 remove, clear up misunderstanding

  56,促进社会发展 accelerate social development

  57,挫折感 a sense of frustration

  58,非常疲倦 be tired out

  59,各行各业 different walks of life

  60,固定收入 regular income


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