

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月13日 14:50   新浪教育

  61,展示某人的才能 exhibit/display one’s talent

  62,专门从事 be specialized in

  63,和睦相处的家庭关系 harmonious family atmosphere

  64,良性循环 benignant circle

  65,驱除孤独 drive off loneliness

  66,孝敬老人 show filial obedience to the older generation

  67,尊老 show respect for the elderly

  68,安全感 a feeling of security

  69,大量的问题 a huge array of problems

  70,低价劳动力 low-priced labor

  71,接触到最新的资讯have quick and easy access to the latest/up-to-date information

  72,精神崩溃 mental breakdown

  73,精神食量 spiritual nourishment

  74,就业机会 employment opportunity

  75,琳琅满目的商品 a variety of commodities

  76,旅游胜地 tourist resort

  77,生活费用 cost of living

  78,先进的通讯设施 advanced communication means

  79,训练有素的专业人员 well-trained professional

  80,饮食行业 catering industry

  81,优惠政策 favored policy, preferential policy

  82,公众人物 public figure

  83,人身攻击 personal assault

  84,以不法行为(途径) by unlawful, illegal means

  85,舆论 public opinion

  86,争取注意力 grab the attention

  87,财富急剧增长 multiply one’s wealth

  88,单调的工作 humdrum job

  89,多年的辛苦努力 years of concentrated efforts

  90,公共财产 public property


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