

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年12月17日 16:23   沪江英语

  A place with a lot of water

  T:The best answer to this topic might be the Fragrant Hill Park, where I left the unforgettable memory. This park is not only famous for the red leaves, but also for the music fountains.

  It has become another symbol for the Beijing city and attracts crowds of tourists.

  S:The most appealing thing is the music of the fountain. The water is able to dance in accordance with the lyric, tune and melody of the music played by people in the controlled room.

  Also, you can watch movies at night from water. The mixture of water sound and the film one teaches everyone’s heart.

  E: People like going there from time to time. Old people like going there for relax and movies, youngster for taking photos, even some Children for playing with water. All of those want to enjoy the magnificentscenery and nature in front of the music fountains.

  I have been there once, and the breath-taking moments last till now whenever I see the photo I took there, I wish I could go there someday in the future.


  Part 2:


  1. A school friend/teenager/a visitor to your home

  2. An old person you admire

  3. A person who visited your home

  4. A famous person/celebrity


  1. A gift

  2. An important letter you wrote/received

  3. A dish you often eat


  1. The place you have worked or studied before

  2. Tourist attraction

  3. An ideal home or apartment

  4.A place where has a lot of water

  5.A place where has a lot of pollution

  6.A place where you can listen to music


  1. An Organization

  2. Something you succeeded in doing/an important stage in your life

  3. A foreign language you want to learn/a way to learn foreign language

  4. A game you played when you were a child

  5. An educational trip


  1. A film

  2. A Good Law

  3. A Performance

  4. A photo

  5. A TV program

  6. A Book

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