

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:10   考试大

  enrage ----> angry

  error ----> mistake

  exact change ----> right coins

  exercise strenuously ----> vigorous exercise

  exhausted ----> rest

  expensive ----> costly

  fall back on a dictionary ----> look up some words

  famous ----> well-known

  fascinating ----> very interesting

  feeble ----> weak

  feedback ----> opinion

  ferry ----> boat

  field trip ----> class activity

  fill her shoes ----> take her place

  fill in for ----> replace

  fill out the form ----> complete a form

  financial aid ----> money

  fine ----> charge

  finish ----> complete

  finish first ----> win

  fix ----> repair

  floor ----> department store

  fly by ----> pass

  forget ----> remember

  four o'clock ----> that afternoon

  freeze ----> cold

  furnace ----> heating system

  gas stove ----> cook food

  get a loan ----> borrow money

  get a move on ----> begin to move

  get in that line ----> stand in that line

  get indigestion ----> stomach hurts

  get into shape ----> need exercise

  get moving ----> hurry

  get nervous ----> worry

  get off the ground ----> advance // go forward // have a good talk

  get one's signature ----> take a class

  get out of (doing) sth. ----> be excused/exempted from (doing) sth。

  get out of doing one's work ----> avoid work

  get sb. mixed up ----> confused

  get so backed up ----> put off work

  get sth. right ----> revision

  get there on foot ----> walk there

  get time off from work ----> be able to take a vacation

  gift ----> present

  give an extension ----> have extra time

  give sb an ultimatum ----> warn sb

  give sb. a ride ----> drive/take sb. to

  go jogging ----> run

  go to jazz club ----> entertainment

  go to the movie ----> go to a film

  go up ----> increase // too expensive

  grade exams ----> mark tests

  grammar book ----> language book

  half an hour ----> 30 minutes

  hand ----> help // assistance

  hand and shoulders above ----> much better than

  hand out ----> distribute

  hand sb. Down ----> give it to sb

  hands down ----> easily

  happy ----> be pleased

  has done all right ----> has been successful

  hasn't taken the prerequisite ----> not ready to take the class

  have a look ----> see

  have a way with words ----> have a talent for expressing

  have sb. do sth. // have sth. done ----> someone do

  have sth. looked into ----> get sth. checked

  health center ----> doctor

  healthful ----> nutritious

  hold off // put off // delay // postpone ----> wait until

  hot weather ----> heat

  How come // What for ----> Why

  humid ----> dry

  humorous ----> amusing

  I had no idea ----> I didn't know

  I'll burst ----> I've overeaten

  I'm about to ----> I plan to do

  in a little while ----> soon

  in a minute ----> quickly

  in the dark ----> not understand

  inconsiderate ----> thoughtless

  instruction ----> direction

  interruption ----> bothering

  interview // resume ----> job

  iron horse ----> train // locomotive // railroad

  irresponsible ----> isn't careful with

  isn't warm enough ----> too cold

  It's one's fault. ----> Sb. be to blame。

  jeans and T-shirt ----> casual dress

  job ----> position

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