

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:10   考试大

  return ----> take ... back

  review ----> criticize

  reviewing ----> going over

  right away ----> soon

  run out of // out of point ----> no more // no longer // doesn't have any more

  run out of steam ----> tried // exhausted

  run the committee ----> head the committee

  rusty ----> lose some skills

  save the explanation ----> no need to explain

  one's booked ----> one's schedule is filled

  schoolwork is suffering ----> interfere with studies

  scorcher ----> hot // heat

  secondhand ----> used

  severe weather ----> bad weather

  shade ----> away from the window

  shake ----> move

  shake it off ----> remove

  share the expense ----> pay for some of …

  show up ----> appear

  shut ----> close

  shy ----> timid

  sign up for a lesson ----> take a lesson

  simultaneously ----> together

  slip one's mind ----> forget

  so ----> both

  sooner ----> earlier

  sorry ----> regret

  soundproof ----> noise

  spare ----> extra // another one

  speechless ----> unable to speak

  spotless ----> clean

  squint at sth. ----> poor vision

  standing ovation ----> stand up and applaud

  staple ----> necessity

  stay on top of sth ----> keep in formed

  stay put ----> not move

  sth doesn't ring a bell with sb ----> sb. doesn't recognize sth

  stick with it ----> it'll make a long time to …

  stood up for ----> defended

  straighten out ----> pay

  supervisor ----> person in charge of …

  switch off ----> turn off

  take down the information ----> make notes of

  take forever ----> time-consuming

  take it out on sb ----> make sb. feel bad

  take it to the shop ----> repair

  take one's place ----> fill the vacancy

  take up a collection ----> make a donation

  talk sb. out of sth. ----> persuade sb. not to do sth。

  taxi // buses ----> public transportation

  terrific ----> excellent // outstanding // wonderful

  thanks ----> appreciate

  that's too bad ----> sorry

  the addition to the building ----> the new part of the building

  the sooner // the better ----> as soon as possible

  the student was absent ----> the student was not in class

  the very beginning ----> the first part

  There goes ----> cancel

  thousands of times ----> many times

  tiny ----> small

  too good to be true ----> surprised

  trade in ----> a used one

  trade in for ----> get another one

  trip ----> stumble

  turn down ----> refuse // quiet

  turn the paper in ----> submit

  type ----> error

  under ----> below

  under the weather ----> a little sick

  up to sb. ----> decide // decision

  upside down ----> not correctly positioned

  vacuum cleaner ----> dirty

  very rare ----> difficult to find

  view ----> scenery

  visit ----> see

  warm ----> cool

  warm up ----> exercise

  was released from the hospital ----> left the hospital

  way ----> method

  wear... inside out ----> put ... on the wrong way

  weekly ----> every week // each week

  went out of business ----> closed down

  what a shame ----> it is too bad that

  What's new with sb. ----> How has sb. been doing

  whisper ----> use one's voice

  will be going on ----> continue

  will succeed ----> will do well

  wonder ----> surprised

  worry about ----> anxiety

  you can say that again ----> agree

  you don't have to do ----> no need to do

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