

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年08月06日 15:10   考试大

  keep an eye on ----> watch

  keep an eye out for ----> watch for

  keep doing // carry on ----> continue

  keep to oneself ----> not sociable

  larger waist ----> gain weight

  last time ----> previously

  late ----> delay

  late this afternoon ----> later on in the day

  lay off // le sb. go ----> lose one's job

  line/little/step/word by line/little/step/word ----> gradually // methodically // in a logical way // one step at a time

  look for a room to rent ----> look for a real estate agency

  look into ----> check // inspect

  look on with ----> share

  look over ----> dominated

  look up to ----> respect // admire

  look well ----> in excellent health

  lost track of time ----> didn't realize what time it was

  lovely ----> beautiful

  make a choice ----> select

  manual ----> book

  market ----> business

  meet ----> get to know

  meet each other half way ----> reach a compromise

  meet sb. ----> pick sb. up

  misread ----> not read correctly

  money is burning a hole in one's pocket ----> no money

  most fun ----> enjoy

  museum ----> exhibit

  mystery ----> surprised // wonder // not sure

  navigate ----> find its way

  need a second opinion ----> ask another person

  need another few days ----> need more time

  next to ----> beside

  next week ----> following week

  no danger ----> safe

  no end in sight ----> for a while

  no pushover ----> strict

  noon ----> 12 o'clock

  not follow ----> not understand

  not get anywhere ----> without result

  not push one's luck ----> not make too many requests

  not sit still ----> nervous

  not up to the task ----> can't do the job

  nowhere near finish ----> there is a lot to do

  on edge ----> nervous // angry

  on her own ----> herself

  on purpose ----> intentionally

  on sale ----> cheap

  on the dot ----> on time // punctual

  one step at a time ----> gradually

  out of earshot ----> too far away to hear

  out of one's mind ----> crazy // foolish idea

  out of order ----> not working right

  outcome ----> decision

  outgoing ----> friendly

  over one's head ----> not understand

  overreact ----> too sensitive

  pace ----> speed

  paper ----> schoolwork

  parents ----> mother and father

  parts ----> repair // fix

  past midnight ----> all evening

  photo ----> picture

  pick up ----> get

  pill ----> tablet

  pitch ----> tone

  plant // window // table ----> light

  pollution ----> air

  prescription ----> medicine

  presentation ----> assignment

  prices went up ----> expensive

  proofread and correct the paper ----> check the paper

  protest the rising tuition fees ----> be opposed to the tuition increase

  prove ----> demonstrate

  put a lot of hours ----> require a great deal of time

  put it on paper ----> write ... down

  put money into an account ----> open an account

  put on a play ----> present a play

  put out ----> upset

  put up with ----> tolerate

  quit ----> leave the job

  radio ----> broadcast

  raise ----> increase

  raise the roof ----> angry

  reach home ----> come home

  refreshment ----> food

  renovation ----> remodeling // refurbish

  rest of the job ----> remains of the work

  restless ----> nervous

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