
雅思6月30日口语考试话题汇总Part Two

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月04日 16:10   新东方在线微博



  本次雅思口语考试几乎没有新题,只是有些话题进行了旧题换新。第一部分问答题部分,Major,Hometown,House&apartment,healthyfood等仍然是高频话题,在多个考场反复出现。第二部分话题卡出现了骨灰级旧题难题:Describeyour favorite communication method。同时还出现了旧题换新的题,如Astreet you are familiar with, 以前常见的考题是Astreet you like in your city,在回答上思路不会有太大变化。A happy familynews为6月16日出现的新题,不排除在接下来的考试中再次出现。

  各地考试话题汇总:Part two


  Avehicle you want to buy (澳洲)

  Describe a car or vehicle you would liketo have in the future

  You should say:

  Which will you choose (motorbike or car)

  How much it will cost

  And explain why you'd like to buy it

  Part 3:

  Is it safe to travel by bicycle?

  What is the most dangerous way totravel?

  Why are there more and more cars onroad?

  What can government do to improve roadsafety?

  An electronic device (厦门、太原)

  Describe anelectronic device you own or willing to own

  you should say:what is it。

  how did you get it。

  what do you use itfor

  why do you thinkit's useful。

  Part 3

  How does technology be used inEducation?

  Can you describe the change oftechnology used in Education?

  Compare technology in the past and now

  Describeyour favorite communication method(新西兰、武汉、太原、杭州)骨灰级旧题

  You should say:

  What it is

  What it’s theadvantage

  When you use it

  And explain whyit is your favorite ways of communications

  Part 3

  Can you describe an advancedcommunication method applied in working place?

  Compare telephone with letter, letter vsemail?

  Will our use of telephone change in thefuture?

  Will letter not be used anymore?

  Describe an advertisement that you thinkis successful. (广州、厦门、西安)

  You should say:

  what isadvertised

  what theadvertisement contains

  what kinds ofpeople would be (or, are) interested in

  and explain whyyou think this advertisement works well。

  Part 3

  Is advertisement interesting orstressful?

  Is brand name important,?

  Why people spend more money on famousbrand products?

  Afamily photograph (长春)

  Describe one of your favorite familyphotographs。

  You should say:

  who took the photo

  when it was taken

  where it was taken

  and explain why you like it。

  A workof art (杭州)

  Describe a painting or work of art thatyou have seen。

  You should say:

  when you saw this work of art

  where you saw it

  what it looked like

  and explain your impression of it。

  Describe a TV program that you like towatch(山西、南宁、大连)

  You should say:

  What type ofprogram it is

  When you watchit

  Why you watch it

  And explain whatyou learn from this program

  Describe an item of cloth or jewelry youwear in a special occasion。(杭州)

  You should say:

  What this clothingor jewelry looks like

  Where you boughtit

  On what specialoccasions you wear it

  And explain whyyou wear it on special occasions or and explain what other people think aboutit

  Yourfavorite weather(广州、南宁)

  Describe your favorite weather。

  You should say:

  what kind of weather it is

  when this weather usually occurs

  what you usually do during this weather

  and explain how this weather affectsyou。

  APresent you gave to someone (福州、长沙)

  Describe a Present you gave to someone

  What it is

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