

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月04日 16:10   新东方在线微博

  Who you gave


  Explain his feeling when he received thepresent


  Amusician or group popular(重庆、南京、成都)

  Describe a musician or group popular inyour country

  You should say:

  Which person or band

  Who often likes listening totheir/his/her songs

  What kind of music they/he/she sings

  And explain why you admire then/him/her。

  Part 3

  Where do people usually go to listen tomusic?

  Do you think that technology will changethe development of music?

  What kinds of instruments do parentsusually give to their children?

  A FamousPerson(深圳、成都)

  Describe a famous person you would liketo meet。

  You should say:

  who this person is (or, was)

  how you first learnt about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain why you would like to meetthis person。

  Acouple you know with a happy marriage(新西兰)

  Describe acouple you know with a happy marriage

  how long havethey married

  why and how theycan they spend time together

  why you thinkthey have a happy marriage

  A Child(福州、大连)

  Describe a child you know

  What is he/she like

  What about his/her personality

  And how do you know him/her

  Part 3

  Are there any disadvantages of theonly-child family?

  Afamily member who is very interesting(武汉、大连)

  Describe a past family member who led ainteresting life

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  What kind ofperson he or she is

  What you andthis person usually do together

  And explain whyyou think why you think he/she is interesting?

  Part 3

  Do you introducethis family member to your friends?

  Do you think history is important foryou and your family?

  How do you know your family’s history?

  What technology do you used to save youand your family's history ?

  Ahappiest person (杭州、长沙、大连)

  Describe a happiest person you know

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know the person

  How the person show happiness

  And explain why you think the person is the happiest

  Describe a friend you haven’t met for along time (南京)

  You should say:

  Who this friendis

  How long youhave not met with each other

  When you wouldlike to meet him or her

  What you would liketo do together

  And explain whyyou haven’t met for a long time


  A happyfamily news(北京、厦门、南京)6月16日出现的新话题



  And explain why it made you happy

  Part 3

  How do your family members communicatewith each other?

  Are there any differences of the communicatingmethods nowadays and in the past?

  What kinds of communicating methods willappear as the technology develops?

  Anoccasion you have to be polite(重庆、北京、乌鲁木齐)

  Describe an occasion you have to bepolite。



  how to be polite

  Part 3

  What are the differences between beingpolite and being formal?

  When do you need to express your truefeelings?

  Anexperience that make you laugh (重庆、长沙、长春)

  Describe a thingor experience make you laugh 

  Youshould say:

  What the eventwas

  When and where ithappened

  Who participatedin this event

  What you saw ordid

  And explain whythis event made you laugh

  A freeday (哈尔滨、广州、厦门、海南、合肥)

  Describe a freeday you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from your work orschool

  You should say:

  Where you willgo

  What you will do

  Who you willspend the day with

  And explain howyou think you would feel at the end of this day

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