

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月04日 16:10   新东方在线微博

  Describe a historical event you know(苏州、西安、青岛)

  Youshould say:           

  When it happened

  Where ithappened

  What it was

  And explain whyyou still remember it

  Thefirst day of school/course/job(哈尔滨、贵州)

  Describe your first day ofschool/course/job

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Where it happened

  What happened

  And explain how you felt during thatday。

  A difficult thing you did (上海)

  Describesomething difficult you did。

  You should say:

  what is was

  when and whereyou did it

  who was with you

  and explain whyyou think this was difficult。

  A groupactivity you took part in(北京)

  Describe agroup activity you took part in at college

  what did youdo

  who was withyou

  how the teaminfluenced you

  Yourideal job(武汉)

  Describe your ideal job。

  You should say:

  What it is。

  Where you want to do it。

  What about the working hours。

  Describean exciting experience you had(合肥)

  You should say:

  What it was

  When and where you had it

  Who with you was

  And explain why this experinece wasexciting for you


  A natural beauty you want to visit inthe future(杭州、成都、武汉、大连)

  Describe a placeof natural beauty

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it is

  What do you dothere

  and explain whydo you it is nice

  Part 3

  What are the benefits the scenic spotscan bring to the local people?

  Would you like to visit modern city orgo to a natural beauty when you go to another country?

  Should people bring on the mobile phoneswhen the go to the scenic spots?

  An important city in your country(重庆、福州)

  Described animportant city in your country

  You should say:

  Where the cityis

  What people dothere

  Whether youvisited it before

  And explain whyyou think the city is important

  Part 3

  What are thechanges in recent 20 years?

  What are the keyfactors in the development of the city?

  In what aspectshas the city changed?

  Do you likethese changes?

  Astreet you are familiar with(郑州)旧题换新

  Describe a street are familiar with

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What the main buildings are in thatstreet

  What you usually do in(on)that street

  And explain how you feel about thisstreet


  Describe a situation that you firstcame with wild animal(澳洲、广州、成都、西安、长沙、大连)

  You should say:

  Where you camewith wild animal

  With who

  What it lookslike

  Where it lives

  P art 3:

  Why should weprotect animals?

  Is it good tokeep animal in the zoo?

  Which animaldon’t adapt to be closed in the zoo?

  To people ,isthere anything can replacing animal?



  1、 全面了解口语考试流程和评分标准,并掌握一些口语应试技巧

  2、 掌握如何展开话题、如何抓住考官吸引力等方面的技巧和方法,做到举一反三

  3、  重视发音、语感、语素的练习

  4、  通过口试模考,锻炼临场的发挥能力

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