
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月12日 16:58   英语教师网






  [误] We'll invite you and your wife to a dance party.

  [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a dancing party.

  [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a dance.

  [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a ball.(美语中常用ball作为舞会。)


  [误] He studied ten hours a date.

  [正] He studied ten hours a day.

  [析] date是指具体日期。如问What's the date today? 应回答具体日期:"October 1st 1998."而day是指1日(24小时)。如What day is today? 问的是星期几,应回答"It's Sunday."

  [误] Today's date is January first. 1998.

  [正] Today's date is January 1, 1998.

  [正] Today's date is January 1st, 1998.

  [析] 在日期书写中不要用序数词全写,而要用1st, 2nd, 3rd……如果一定要用序数词,其顺序应为:It is the first of January.

  day 

  [误] This is a book about every day English.

  [正] This is a book about everyday English.

  [正] This is an everyday English book.

  [误] We go to school everyday.

  [正] We go to school every day.

  [析] everyday是形容词,意为"日常的",而every day则是"每天"、"天天"之意。

  dead 

  [误] My father has died for ten years.

  [正] My father has been dead for ten years.

  [析] die是瞬间动词,它可以用于完成时,如:My father has died. 但用于完成时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。它也可以用于过去时,如:My father died three years ago

  [误] We'll always remember the deads who were killed in the war.

  [正] We'll always remember the dead who were killed in the war.

  [析] 形容词前如加定冠词表示一类人,如the rich(富人),the sick(病人),the poor(穷人),其后的谓语动词要用复数,如:The rich are not always happy.

  dead deadly 

  dead在某些词组里是"完全"、"的确"的意思,如dead right, dead tired, dead sure。而deadly则是"致命的",如:The rich man had many deadly enemies. 又如:Cancer is a deadly disease. 

  dead died 

  dead是形容词,如:Mrs Ginty was dead. 而died是动词die的过去式及过去分词,如:She died in 1960.但英语中如表达出对某人去世的伤感说法是pass away, 如:My father passed away, this morning.

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