I have twodaughters. Norah is 4 and Aspenis just 3 months。
Their liveslook very different than mine did as a child. My father left when I was a 9years old. I was raised half by my single mother, and half by my widowedgrandmother。
When I gotmarried, I didn’t know much about what it meant to be in a good marriage and Ihad to learn a lot of things through trial and error。
Even at theiryoung age, I think a lot about my daughters’ future and whether I’m setting abetter example than the one I had。
Below is a listof things I’ve learned about marriage that I’d like them to know。
Don’t let your husband pressure you into sex。
Most likelyyour husband will want sex more than you expect. Don’t let your husbandpressure you into things you are not comfortable with。
Talk openlyabout sex with him. Discuss your expectations and try hard to understand his。
Although sex isimportant, be sure that you both realize that it is only one part of yourmarriage, it isn’t the whole marriage。
Don’t lower your expectations of your husband aftermarriage. Raise them。
After marriage,it’s easy to get comfortable。
I’ve neverunderstood why this happens, because marriage is the hardest thing I’ve everdone. It’s easy to let things slide after marriage. To expect fewer dates,fewer flowers, fewer love letters. Don’t。
In fact, expectmore and you will get it. And do the same for him. Once you have children,those little trinkets of affection may be the only things that keep your marriageabove water。
Tell him what you want as frankly, and plainly aspossible。
I know thissounds cliché, but men and women communicate differently. Most men speakplainly. They like the obvious to be spelled out。
Rather thanhoping that he will pick up on your hints, say things like, “Take me out more,”or “Don’t give me an answer, just listen to me for a while because I need tovent,”, or “I’m really frustrated with the kids. It’s not you. Just let me bealone for a while and I will be fine。”
Handle the domestic work together。
Sometimes thehouse will be a mess and it’s his fault, too。
When I saysometimes, I mean most of the time, especially after you have kids. He has asmuch of an obligation to clean the house as you do, so tell him to stopcomplaining and do the laundry。
Give him the benefit of the doubt。
Sometimes itwill feel like he’s stomping on your feelings, when in fact he’s just wanderingblindly。
Your husband isgoing to forget to do things, a lot of things. He’s going to say stupid things,too. Realize that most likely his actions or statements were not malicious. Hedidn’t intend to hurt you or not do something on purpose。
Don’t allow him to tell you your place or defineyour aspirations。
When you getmarried, you may want to be a stay-at-home mom. Five years into marriage, you maydecide you want to become a lawyer. Or perhaps when you get married you may bea lawyer, and five years in you might decide you want to become a stay-at-homemom。
Your husbandwill most likely do something similar with his life goals. A successfulmarriage is one where both partners expect and support positive change。
Your husband isyour partner, not your master: Never forget that you are equals。
Expect his change。
Expect him tochange with age (both physically and emotionally)。
Most likelyyour husband will get a little fatter over the years. He will grow more mature.He will go a little gray and a little bald. You will change, too。
But at the sametime, he will become different emotionally and intellectually. He will growmore mature。
So much of asuccessful marriage is accepting and understanding change within your partner.As long as those changes are natural and positive, let them happen。
Don’t be afraid to frustrate your husband。
This is a goodthing. Keep him on his toes。
Questioning hismotivations and his sincerity will ultimately make him more aware of hisactions。
Expect him to get up in the night with the kids。
If your kidstake after you, you are going to have some long nights。
He will have alot of excuses as to why he can’t get up. He works in the morning, and hedoesn’t want to be tired at work because it’s going to make his job harder。
You know what;you have to work, too. You might have a job outside the house, or you might bea stay at home mom. It doesn’t matter. You have stuff to do, same as him, soexpect him to help。
Marriage is apartnership. Never forget that。