On a diet?Then consider sitting by the window the next time you eatout。
A new bookclaims that where you sit in a restaurant can affect how manycalories you consume。
Theresearchers measured and mapped the layout of each restaurant andthen used meal checks to track what diners ordered and how itrelated to where they sat。
The resultswere telling: people sitting farthest from the front door ate thefewest salads and were 73 per cent more likely to orderdessert。
Those seatedat a dark table or booth ate heavier food and ordered more of it,while diners seated at high-top bar tables ordered more salads andfewer desserts。
'The darker itis, the more "invisible" you might feel, the less easy it is to seehow much you're eating and theless conspicuous or guilty youmight feel,' Professor Wansink explains in the book。
In contrast,'seeing the sunlight, people or trees outside might make you moreconscious of how you look, might make you think about walking ormight prompt a green salad.'
And if thereare TV sets in therestaurant, steer clear.Professor Wansink found that the closer a table was to a screen,the more fried food the diners ordered。
Theresearchers also noted that slim diners chewed around 15 times permouthful, three chews more than heavier diners. By eating moreslowly, the diner consumes less in the time it takes for the brainto register satiety。